This is one of my recent nail polish layering attempts.
I used Catrice Alluring Night as a base and as I was in a mood for flakies I reached for Inglot 204 nail polish. I wasn’t really satisfied with this flakie – it’s to flat for my taste. It seems to have slightly purple duochrome effect but I wasn’t impressed by it.

To soften the flakies effect I added one layer of Essence We Will Rock You top coat.

I was still not crazy about this manicure. It just lacks something.
What would you change about it?
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I think it’s lovely. Perhaps, you should paint a coat of 203 over it to add a green tinge of flakies. Should make it pop more.
Vaaaau, ej ful je lepo tole! :w00t:
(čeprav je mal preveč modro, hehe)
Malo zelene ne bi škodilo, ane? :biggrin:
I absolutely love it! The blurry effect is amazing! It looks like clouds in a winter night sky!
Where can I buy the Inglot flakies? I want to buy it ASAP :wub:
As far as I know they only sell them in Inglot stores:
I think this mani is very lovely! :yes:
Thx, Pauline. :rose:
maybe it’s a little too blue, but it’s still very pretty :)
Don’t know why, but I always wish to see duochrome effect in larger flakies. To me, the color shifting is obviously a must. :think:
Ljubim modro in tale manikura je pravi srček :wub:
:thumb: , Gejba!
Hvala, Biba. :rose:
ja bome ne bi nista mijenjala, presavrseno mi izgleda :stars:
Mene još uvijek kopka što bi tu mogla popraviti. :biggrin:
I wouldn’t change a thing, I love it!
Glad you like it.
Nadvse čudovita modra pride <3 Res perfektna! :wub:
Meni je pa prekrasna! :love: Deluje mi skoraj kozmično …
Očitno sem edina, ki ji kombinacija ni ravno sedla. :biggrin:
Kako presrečna bi bila jaz, če bi imela takšen talent in smisel za layering. :stars:
Jaz se vedno klasificiram med ne najbolj domišljijsko nadarjene osebke. :biggrin:
Gejba, tale kombinacija je perfektna. Noro noro lepo. Čisto se strinjam z eno od komentatork,nekaj najboljšega, kar sem videla v zadnjem času.
Me veseli, da ti je všeč. :rose:
Tale kombinacija te ne prepriča? :undecided:
Meni je tole nekaj najboljšega, kar sem videla v zadnjem času, sem čisto zaljubljena :wub:
Če ti ni všeč pa meni pošlji, lakce in nohte :yes:
Do lakcev sem preveč posesivna, nohti pa nočejo dol. :biggrin:
It’s certainly beautiful, but somehow too blue. How about adding some flakes like i.e. Nubar 2010?
Blue flakies disappear under one goat of Essence Waking Up in Vegas. :sigh:
omg that flakie is gorgeous :D
Well, I agree it’s not ugly. :biggrin: