I must say that I really didn’t think that lovely lady from Alessandro would send me Guardian Angel set as it is not really cheap and it sells like hot cakes anyway so it’s not like she had that many extra sets. But I’m not complaining that she decided to be my Mrs. Claus and brightened up last week for me … for a while I even forgot about headache from hell.
This really is the perfect Christmas gift for me – look at the gorgeous box to begin with.

And if you add to the mix cap with Swarovski crystals and vampy red nail polish …

I knew from the beginning that there is no way that nail polish shade itself can live up to the Swarovski cap in my eyes … maybe if it contained Swarovski dust. :D But it is lovely dark (brownish) red shade named Midnight Red. Formula is little bit thicker so it is possible to use only one thicker coat for full opacity. I opted for two medium thick layers and no top coat. Smell was a little bit funky, but nothing that would bother my nose or lungs.

It is wonder I finally decided to use this beauty … I was afraid that I would spoil the look of it if I used to much and it showed in the bottle.
Guys – if you’re still looking for Christmas/New Year gift for nail polish addict … run to the store and hope you get this gorgeous set.
Eh – who am I kidding, I was planning to buy one for myself … sure is sure, right?
Price: 19,95 EUR (27 USD) for 15ml (0,53 fl.oz.).
*polish was gift from our Alessandro supplier
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Lušten lak :wub:
Darilo je :drool:
Wow, super si poklon dobila :) Swarowski kristali su prelijepi na bočici a i lak je super isto :)
Najljepši poklon. :wub:
Konc huda steklenička in prav tako barva…izredno lepo darilo.
:stars: :stars: :stars:
Meni so kar solzice prišle v oči, ko sem prvič prijela stekleničko v roke … nekam sentimentalna sem zadnje čase. :blush:
Tudi sama sem ga danes kupila in izgleda čudovito, zelo božično:)
Ravno za pod jelko. :love:
bočica je savršena :stars:
a ni lak nije loš :thumb:
Točno tako. :biggrin:
Čudovit čudovit odtenek, vendar zanj ne bi dala 20€, sploh, ker mi kristalčki, draguljčki in podobno ne ležijo ravno :D Si pa mislim da se počutiš posebno, če ga imaš v svoji zbirki, zagotovo bi ga bila jaz enako vesela :))
Meni Swarovski kristali vedno obudijo tako lepe spomine, da mi bodo verjetno za večno všeč. :cute:
fantastic nail polish
It really is. :wub:
Wow, tale odtenek me ubija (v dobrem smislu) :wink:
Res je čudovit, ampak se mi zdi da veliko predrag in tudi kristalčki me ne prepričajo v nakup pa naj bo še tako super
Uh – jaz sem nora na Swarovski kristale. :biggrin:
Cena je pa itak relativna – 15 EUR za OPI lak ali 25 za Chanela recimo ne dam, kupim pa Alessandro trojček za 15 EUR, čeprav je vedno smotan nadlak zraven. Potem se pa razumi. :silly: