First spring edition from Essence is called Marble Mania.
trendy, twisted and totally hip: inspired by spectacular marble effects, essence presents the new trend edition “marble mania” in march and april 2012. lovers of marble coloring and extraordinary textures can look forward to multi-dimensional effects. mascara, eyeshadow or lipgloss – the marbling is sure to cause a stir! several colors merge into one for a unique swirly
I must admit I’m kind of sucker for marbled things. The only problem I have with them is that especially baked products tend to be too hard and they never seem to want to stay pretty swirled. :D
Nail polishes (1,89 EUR) are pretty, but nothing that I’m really lemming about. I guess I’m just not in “creme” faze. I will probably get at least silver one though … it’s shimmery after all.
Now baked and marbled eyeshadows (2,89 EUR) are completely different story … I want all of them. And as they’re cheaper than Catrice ones I just may get all three shades.
Marbled blush (3,49 EUR) is probably my favorite from Marble Mania trend edition. Just look at that beauty! Mascara (2,89 EUR) will come in transparent packaging so the shimmery/black marbling effect is seen. I’m curious about it but not really sure that my eyes can handle shimmery mascara.
This time I may even check out the lip glosses (2,29 EUR). Long time ago I bough similar gloss from Essence (cappuccino something) and it was my favorite for quite some time. Nail kit (2,49) with professional brush, two professional sponges and two wooden sticks I want. :D
Good thing that Marble Mania TE will be widely available as marbled blushes are really good sellers in Slovenia.
Anything from Marble Mania on your WL?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Oh yeah the blush is stunning, if we get this collection in Greece I’ll definitely get it :drool: !!
Sam koncept mi je zanimiv in si bom zagotovno nabavila kakšen gloss vse ostalo je pa bolj ‘pass’
hm, maskara, roza senčka in marelični lip gloss bodo verjetno moji. boga denarnica :D
Mene pa čisto nič ne pritegne. Preveč je teh LE, resno, Essence bi moral malce oklestit vse skupaj. Sicer pa sem ravno danes dorekla ‘naročilo’ in katastrofalno prelomila moj no-buy senčk, pa še glosa povrhu, tako da sploh ne smem v drogerijo pol leta. :blush:
Bom še premislila glede senčk in blusha, ko vidim swatche. Z laki bo isto. Upam pa, da bom dobila nail art kit – zaradi gobic. :D
Mene spet nič ne pritegne x) yay! :D
No, edino nail art set mi je zanimiv, ampak gobice imam, palčke mi ne rabijo, za čopič pa mi je škoda dat 2,5€ xD
Uuu, koralni lak mi je všeč! :yes: (Mogoče spregledam dejstvo, da imam vsaj tri enake/podobne, hihi.)
Love the marbled collection!! So pretty! I want it all haha:D
I want that blush and eyeshadows *__*
sjenila mi dobro izgledaju, lakovi već viđeno, ali prije nego donesem konačni sud čekam swatcheve :thumb:
that blush and eyeshadows look good:D
Eyeshadows *3* ♥ ~ I love all of them >///<
Glosi so zelo lepi in tudi pigmentirani izgledajo, sodeč po swatchih, ki sem jih videla. Pa blush bi itak tudi imela, ja :wub:
ooo, po slikah sodeč bi imela mareličen lip glos. Če ga kje vidim, gre najbrž z mano
Hmmm… Baš me zanima jel ovo rumenilo slično Catrice-ovom iz Nymphelia LE kolekcije :think:
nail art set in srebrn lak bosta zagotovo moja :wub: mika me tudi rjav lak, bomo videli kako bo izgledal ”v živo” :D
i love that blush!
jedino sto mi od ove kolekcije izgleda imalo zanimljivo je rumenilo, lakovi su mi nekako preobicni
Zanimiva kolekcija. Lakci so mi všeč, senčke prav tako. Komaj čalaam. ^^
I am really looking forward this edition, I want all eyeshadows and blush, and lipglosses and masara :D And almost all polishes, except that blackish one :D
what does TE mean? I know that E stands for edition but The T?
Trend edition. Essence wants to be special. :biggrin:
thank u :)