Just a quick reminder that our giveaway for Facebook followers is slowly ending.
Prize was donated by Bvlgari Slovenija, Essence Slovenija, Catrice Slovenija. :
- Bvlgari: Mon Jasmin Noir 10ml, clutch
- Essence: Stars&Stories creme eyeshadow, powder brush, Glamourize gloss, I Love Extreme mascara and eyeliner
- Catrice: frosting top coat, Light-reflecting concealer, Skin Finish compact powder 030
“Your” clutch is still in original wrapping. I used as a model the one that I got couple of months ago from our distributor. We were just about to head to Germany when postman brought it and my darling just sighed and sat until I opened the package. I didn’t know what was in it so when I saw the clutch I just had to see right away if it’s really as similar to one of my dancing shoes as I thought. Good thing that my darling is a patient sort. :D
I took photo of shoes and clutch together, but flash made shoes look goldish while they’re actually almost identical to the top of the clutch.
Try to forget about my huge shoe size and tell me how do you like the combo. :D What kind of the mani do you think would look best with the clutch?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Meni pa tele šampanjec barve lepo pašejo s temno vijolično :yes:
Moram probat. :w00t:
divne nagrade :D
Odlična nagrada!
Lep clutch in čevlji prav tako!
Manikura pa … odvisno od obleke. :D Najprej mi sicer pade na pamet rdeča, a gre zraven skoraj karkoli, če mene vprašaš. Glavno, da se sklada s celotnim outfitom. ;) Jaz verjetno ne bi kombinirala s šampanjčasto ali zlato, ker je potem že preveč iste barve. Če pa že, pa kakšna folijasta zlata – najbolje minx.
Folijasta zlata se tudi dobro sliši. :thumb: Skladanje pa jaz … khm, mogoče nekoč. :biggrin:
Luštna kombinacija! :) Meni takoj pade na pamet manikura v odtenku šampanjca ali kaj podobnega, nekaj nežnega v glavnem. :D
Za enkrat se bom nagibam h kakšni udarnejši kombinaciji – črno/zlata(?). :biggrin:
wow I really want to try the extreme line of Essence hope I have a chance to win :)