One of the things that I find really handy are jumbo eyeshadow pencils. The problem is finding ones that will stay on my oily eyelids. For instance, NYX ones don’t work for me. I think I was on Facebook when I spotted new Kiko limited edition called Blooming Origami. My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw that they’ll have 8 jumbo pencil duos available. And when first reviews started to come out and majority loved them, I could not wait to go to Kiko and buy few of them.
In the end I got 4 Kiko Creamy Touch eyeshadow duos, one Bloom blush and one Sheer&Creamy lipstick duo.

Kiko Creamy Touch eyeshadow duo pencils have really good staying power, so the swatches of all 8 shades survived on my hand and I can show you all of them.
Pencils are numbered only, but names are listed on Kiko web page (names on swatches are listed by the name on their website and not with corresponding shade).

I bought the last two pencils – Gold & Bronze and Berry & Spicy Mandarin. I already used both as my secondary eyeshadow base. Eyeshadow stick to all of them – maybe shimmery parts are little bit more stickier. But the make up done on the satin finish pencils lasts longer. I got pretty much all day wear with Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Kiko Creamy Touch pencils and mix of Inglot, Essence and Manhattan eyeshadows. I’m still testing how they fare if I apply them in thicker layer. So far MU is still in place.

Numbers from 05 to 08 come in livelier colors. I really had to work hard on controlling my instinct to buy all of them. In the end I bought Emerald & Yellow and Steel & Celadon. As you can see in video, Yellow is the hardest to apply (why does that sound so familiar ). I managed to get best results with applying thin layer and then layering another thin layer on top of it. Others glided onto the skin … especially Steel.
The only Sheer&Creamy lipstick duo I bought is Orange Red & Coral. Sheer side of these pencils is more appropriate for glossy lipstick lovers. I prefer the creaminess of Orange Red shade. Red lipstick was very easy application and leaves a little bit of stain.

Bloom blushes have creamy and slightly silicone feel like formula. The prettiest colors were 02 and 04, but I bought Rose Mauve (06) because these kind of shades tend to look good on me and are appropriate for “no makeup look”. Shade is interesting mix of brownish and pinkish(?) tones. So far I don’t have any complaint on the staying power but we’ll see how it fares in warmer temperatures.

– eyeshadow duo: 8,90 EUR for 3g (0.1 oz)
– lipstick duo: 8,90 EUR for 2,75g (0.09 oz)
– bloom blush: 7,90 EUR for 8g (0.28 oz)
Video review and swatches:
Anybody body else shares my love for eyeshadow pencils … especially duos?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hvala za to oceno. Imam tudi sama mastne veke in mi take informacije zelo prav pridejo. Barve senčil so čudovite, komaj čakam da se dokopljem do kakšnega. Tudi šminka izgleda zelo obetavno :)
Šminka je prav huda. :lips:
Ooo, taupe & violet, emerald & yellow sta videti super! Blazno mi je tudi všeč tematika, origami. :) Sicer pa sem ravno danes dobila v dar prvi kremni dvojček, od max factorja in moram malce pobrskati, ali so morda kakšni heci okoli nanašanja. Imaš kakšne skrivne trike pri nanosu? :cute:
Imaš link do dvojčkov? Nimam v glavi slike kako izgledajo. :blush:
Še eno slinjenje nad Taupe & Violet. :wink:
Ve boste krive, če se bova morala še 1x zapeljati v IT. :biggrin:
My sister has extremely oily lids (and skin, except for her cheeks) and I also find the hyped NYX jumbo eye pencils are much too greasy for my liking. I like to appy a very small amount with my fingers -not directly onto the lids- but I have to use a primer underneath.
Any suggestions regarding eye primers for my sister’s oily lids? The Artdeco one creases on her and so does the Rival de Loop one.
I need 2 esb to make my eye MU stick. First I use Too Faced shadow Insurance and go over it with another cream/wax eyeshadow (Gosh Waterproof Eye Shadow stick is my to go to eyeshadow when I need perfect and long lasting MU). I finish of with at least 2 layers of powder eyeshadow. Piece of cake … not. :biggrin:
Taupe & Violet in Steel & Celadon :wub:
Pri Taupe & Violet svinčniku sem se morala prav po prstih, da ga nisem vzela. Iz prejšnje kolekcije imam namreč skoraj identičen eyeliner. :silly: