Swap: Finger Paints flakies from Julia

Aaaa – I just had to share these beauties with you … even if I still don’t have swatches. :D

I just received swap packed from wonderful Julia. She sent me 3 Finger Paints flakies …

Finger Paints flakies: Flecked, Motley, Twisted
Finger Paints flakies: Flecked, Motley, Twisted

… and bunch of goodies. I love the pendant.

Swap Julia - goodies

Thx for the wonderful swap, Julia.
Now I have to go back to my new lovelies.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Swap: Finger Paints flakies from Julia”

  1. Oo, lepo lepo! Jaz sem si pri svoji swapperki zaželela dva, se mi zdi, tista, ki sta mi bila najmanj podobna flejkijem ki jih že imam. So pa fantastični. Flakies leto, kaj je boljšega?! :happy:


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