The other day I went to the local drugstore just to see if there’s any new limited editions and stuff available. There were no new displays, but I did find some interesting nail polishes by Misslyn. Four of them caught my eye and I impulsively bought them, because they looked like awesome duochrome nail polishes in the bottle. And you know how rare you find an interesting duochrome nail polish in the drugstore, right? Well, as I wrote before I bought four of them. They didn’t stand on a separate display, they were mixed with other nail polishes. When I brought them home I searched online for swatches and couldn’t find any. What I did find out is that all four of them belong to Misslyn’s newest collection called Peacock. The collection consists of five nail polishes and a highlighter, which I haven’t seen in the store. Isn’t it funny? No special display for a limited edition … hmm … Nevermind. Moving on to the swatches.
722 – Chameleon is a golden-greenish-brown duochrome. It reminds me of Chanel’s Peridot and Catrice’s Genius In The Bottle.
724 – Flower Bird changes colors between dark grey, pink, red-purple and it even flashes teal and green. Fantastic and for me the most interesting nail polish from the collection.
726 – Dragonfly is purple-blue-green duochrome. It’s my least favorite from the collection and that’s not because of the color, but just because it’s the most sheer and it’s the most frosty.
729 – Leguan is another great nail polish. It changes color between golden-green, green, teal and blue. For those of you who wanted Peridot to be more green, this one might be your cup of tea.
My opinion on the Peacock collection
It’s amazing! Finally something that got me excited. Finally duchromes in the stores. Thank you Chanel! You just got to love Chanel. Do you wonder why? Well, because they set these fun and exciting trends and then other brands (like they don’t have imagination at all) follow. They just follow … isn’t that fascinating? And on the other hand it’s sad and boring, but still … this time I’m excited.
And a few words about the quality of the nail polishes.
These nail polishes are on the sheer side (with 726 being the most sheer). But the sheerness is kind of usual thing when it comes to duochromes. These are actually more opaque than I thought they would be. I can get away with only two coats, but I have short nails and I’m just too lazy for three coats (unless it’s really necessary). I didn’t have any problems with the application. When you apply these, I suggest you are a bit careful, because there can be some visible brush strokes if you are not careful. Misslyn polishes don’t dry very fast, but on me they are quite long lasting.
The only polish from the bunch that I do not recommend is the 726, because is the sheerest of them all and it’s also the most frosty. And I also had problems with bubbling with this one. The other three are much better and I highly recommend them if you like duochrome nail polishes.
Misslyn bottles contain 10 ml of nail polish and they are sold for a bit less than 5€ in Slovenia.
Have you ever tried any of the Misslyn polishes? What do you think of them? And which one of the bunch is your favorite?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Tile duochromi niso zame, sem pa ravno dobila v dar prva Misslyn lakca in sem navdušena :wub:
Nice post, but I think they are all supposed to be layered :yes:
The display contains the effect polishes, black nail polishes and the highlighter. My favorite is Dragonfly :wub:
In my opinion these are too pigmented, too frosty to be layered. I know they are supposed to be layered over black, but I don’t like the end result. I like them the way they look on their own. ;)
V Mariboru je še vedno pastelna kolekcija in mi je takooooo všeč, ampak so mi lakci malce predragi za študentski žep, tako da ostajam pri Catrice :D
Catrice je čisto super znamka. Imajo veliko odtenkov na izbiro, laki se v večini lepo nanašajo in na meni so kar obstojni (bolj kot Essence).
Oh, tudi jaz sem naletela na te lakce že dva tedna nazaj, pa sem izbirala med 724 in 726. Na koncu sem se odločila za 724 Flower Bird in doma sem bila neprijetno presenečena, ker je grozno frosty… Ravno včeraj pa sem ga slojila še čez črno in sem bila še bolj razočarana, ker je tako neenakomeren, nekje bolj prekriven, nekje pa skoraj nič in se je kljub mojemu trdu črna na določenih mestih še vedno videla čez. :roll: Edina zanimivost je ta, da odtenke menja ravno obratno kot Catrice Iron Mermaiden, ampak kljub temu mu bom poskušala najti nov dom, če ga bo kdo sploh hotel. :unsure: Zato se bom ostalim izognila v velikem loku, sploh 726. :biggrin:
A res? Tako zelo frosty se ti zdi? :think: Meni je še v mejah normale. :biggrin: Nerada pa slojim te lake čez črno, ker se mi zdijo vseeno preveč prekrivni in vseeno se s prvim slojem še neenakormeno nanašajo. Poleg tega pa nanos čez črno frost efekt samo še poudari.
slažem se s tobom, flower bird izgleda najbolje, iako ni ostatak kolekcije nije za odbaciti :thumb:
i really love these!
Actually, misslyn considers them effect topcoats and recommends using them over black. The LE display includes several bottles of misslyn’s black creme polish. So that explains the sheerness.
Over black 726 looks like a purple-green duochrome, similar (though not a dupe) to Essence’s Where’s the party, Catrice’s Iron Mermaiden and so on.
Thank you Marina for your explanation. ;) That totally makes sense. Duochrome polishes in general are on the sheer side and these ones are no exception, although these are pretty good. I have yet to try these over black base.
Just today I saw the complete Peacock display, including the black nail polish, the polish no. 720 in the highlighter. Polish no. 720 didn’t look interesting to me and there was no tester for the highlighter …
Vsi so zanimivi ampak najlepši mi je seveda prvi :3
Misslyn lakov pa še nisem sprobala…
In seveda … danes sem v Mullerju naletela na polno stojalo … na stojalu je pet duochrom lakov + črn lak + osvetljevalec za obraz, za katerega pa žal ni bilo testerja, da bi ga preizkusila. Lak št. 720 se mi je zdel dolgočasen … zlatkast z manj prelivanja barv kot pri ostalih.
Sem ti ravno to hotela napisat. :) Danes sem našla prav stojalo. Vsakega sem zelo natančno pogledala … in na koncu nobenega ne vzela. Čudno, a ni? Sicer vem da moram šparat pri kozmetiki, tako da morda podzavestno prepričam možgane, da mi niso všeč. :) Zeleni mi je na tvojih fotkah najbolj všeč, seveda. Glede na to, da so se skrivali že v rednem sortimentu še pred stojalcem, upam, da me počaka toliko časa, da se zmislim a bi ali ne bi. :D Hvala za super swatche, sem jih tudi sama že iskala. :thumb:
Jaz sem kupila 722, ne bi se pa branila niti 729 in 724. Samo so tako smotano postavljeni med redne odtenke, da sem do sedaj večinoma videvala samo 720, ki mi pa ni všeč. HL sicer izgleda fantastično, vendar ga tudi jaz še nisem nikjer zasledila. :sigh:
Hihihi, jaz pa ravno 720 še sploh nisem videla v trgovini. :biggrin:
V tej kolekciji ti manjka še en lak – 720….in ravno ta me najbolj zanima…. (jih je 5 in ne le še dodatni črn kot osnovni)
Vem, da mi manjka še en lak (v uvodu prispevka sem napisala, da je v kolekciji pet lakov in en osvetljevalec za obraz. ;) ). Na promo fotografijah pa črnega ne vidim. :think: Kakorkoli … petega laka nimam in ga v trgovini tudi nisem opazila. Mi je pa tisti peti po promo fotografijah najmanj zanimiv. :think:
510 je črni, ki je sicer iz redne kolekcije, vendar ga promovirajo tudi v Peacock LE kot podlago za duochrome.
Hvala, Gejba! Se mi je dozdevalo. Čeprav res nisem zasledila, da ga dajejo k tej kolekciji … seveda pa črna podlaga sploh ni švoh ideja, ker so duochrome laki res malenkost prosojni.
Joj, krasni so. Sem jih že iskala v Müllerju, pa jih nisem našla. Videla sem edino prvega, ampak tega bom preskočila, ker imam že Catrice. Ostale 3 pa bi si kar privoščila. :yes: