What I bought in America (make up & nail polishes)

As promised yesterday, today I’m going to show you what I purchased in America (make up and nail polishes only). Let’s move straight to the photos.

Make up

Make up haul
Make up haul
Make up haul: Illamasqua - Ambition blush
Make up haul: Illamasqua - Ambition blush
Make up haul: Bobbi Brown, Tarte, Revlon blushes
Make up haul: Bobbi Brown, Tarte, Revlon blushes

Quick thoughts on the things that I bought.

My favorite is probably the Bobbi Brown one, because it’s nicely pigmented, the color is adorable and it’s a very good cream blush. I also love the Illamasqua Ambition and Tarte Tipsy blushes. Both are very nice and highly pigmented blushes. The Revlon blush was a bit of disappointment, since it’s not very pigmented.
Liquid foundations:
I have to test them more to write my proper opinion on them, but I think that the Neutrogena foundation isn’t working with my normal to dry skin. This foundation seems to be to drying for me and it makes me look older. I like the Clinique one very much.
Revlon lip butters:
I like them very much and I would like to buy more colors in the future.
Smashbox make up palette:
I love every single powder eyeshadow in this palette. They are very pigmented. I love the selection of colors. The cream eyeshadows are also nice, but not spectacular. The brush is surprisingly good too.
Sephora jumbo liners:
I already had two of them and I loved them, that’s why I bought two more. I’m not sure yet, but I think they irritate my eyes a bit.

Nail polishes

USA 2012 nail polish haul
USA 2012 nail polish haul
Nail polish haul: Spoiled - Pet My Peacock, $OPI - 2012-Sephora, Milani - Teal, Orly - Royal Navy
Nail polish haul: Spoiled - Pet My Peacock, $OPI - 2012-Sephora, Milani - Teal, Orly - Royal Navy
Nail polish haul: China Glaze - Optical Illusion, Ray-Diant, Prism (Prismatic Chroma Glitters)
Nail polish haul: China Glaze - Optical Illusion, Ray-Diant, Prism (Prismatic Chroma Glitters)
Nail polish haul: Revlon - Rain Forest, Sally Hansen Gem Crush - Showgirl Chic, Sinful Colors - Kissy, Spoiled - Deeper Dive
Nail polish haul: Revlon - Rain Forest, Sally Hansen Gem Crush - Showgirl Chic, Sinful Colors - Kissy, Spoiled - Deeper Dive
Nail polish haul: Essie - Armed And Ready, To Buy Or Not To Buy, Sonia Kashuk - Fairy Princes
Nail polish haul: Essie - Armed And Ready, To Buy Or Not To Buy, Sonia Kashuk - Fairy Princes
Sally Hansen Gem Crush - Glitz Gal, Sinful Colors - Kissy, Spoiled - Deeper Dive, Spoiled - Pet My Peacock
Sally Hansen Gem Crush - Glitz Gal, Sinful Colors - Kissy, Spoiled - Deeper Dive, Spoiled - Pet My Peacock

Quick thought on the nail polishes that I bought:

I do not recommend Spoiled polishes (even though they are cheap), because the brush is insanely bushy and big. I love the China Glaze Prismatic Chrome Glitters!!! I’m thrilled that I got the Orly – Royal Navy and the $OPI – 212-Sephora nail polishes. Revlon – Rain Forest is an incredible green polish, the shimmer/small glitter show up nicely on the nails.

I would also like to show you make up products I took with me. This time I really didn’t take a lot. Only the things I really love and are versatile.

Make up for travelling
Make up for travelling
Make up for travelling
Make up for travelling
Make up for travelling
Make up for travelling
Make up brushes for travelling
Make up brushes for travelling

Perfumes I took with me. A sweet(er) and heavy(er) scent and a lighter everyday scent.

Bvlgari - Mon Jasmin Noir, D&G - Light Blue, Marc Jacobs - Daisy Eau So Fresh (tester)
Bvlgari - Mon Jasmin Noir, D&G - Light Blue, Marc Jacobs - Daisy Eau So Fresh (tester)

I didn’t take photos of other facial and body care products I took with me. For my face I mainly took Sophyto products with me and for the body some random shower gels in travel size and some travel sized body lotions.

I think that is it. I have to say that I’m very satisfied with almost all the products that I bought. I also bought shoes and clothes (mainly dresses). I have to tell you … Outlet villages are awesome. I wish we would have some in the vicinity. I don’t know … if you are interested, I can also take photos of other stuff that I bought. Please let me know in the comments.

I’m also interested what are you taking with you, when you go travelling or on a vacation?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

27 thoughts on “What I bought in America (make up & nail polishes)”

  1. Z mano gredo na potovanje samo balzam za ustnice z ZF, rjav svinčnik za oči in puder v velikosti testerja.
    Če je prostor, še kakšen bolj voden korektor, ki lahko služi kot podlaga.
    In potem moledujem ljudi, naj me ne slikajo, sploh pa ne z bliskavico :D

    Nezahtevno bitje.

  2. Super nakupi! Senčke so mi seveda takoj padle v oči. :) Sicer pa se mi zdi odlična ideja, da si pokazala še, kaj si vzela s seboj. Jaz že zdajle ne vem, kaj naj vzamem na letalo na počitnice v Španijo, tam junija. Barvne kombinacije, ki me primejo, se znajo spreminjati vsakodnevno, vendar nočem jemati ravno vsega, po drugi strani mislim kaj še tam kupit … in bom na koncu verjetno pristala samo na eyelinerjih in maskari. :wink:

  3. Ooooooo Maestra super nakupi. :rose: Tudi mene zanima, kaj si še kupila, haul posti so itak nekaj, kar res rada gledam. :wub:

  4. Jaz bi tudi rada videla kakšne čeveljce pa oblekice si si še kupila in vidim da preprosto obožuješ modro/zelene odtenke :wink:
    Jaz s seboj na počitnice vzamem malce manj stvari, predvsem manj čopičev, senčil in barvic, se pa zato založim bolj s šminkami in glosi :yes:

    • Jap, pri lakih sta zelena in modra + v zadnjem času nevtralni odtenki moji favoriti. Seveda se to opazi tudi pri mojih nakupih. :biggrin:
      Bom pokazala tudi čevlje in obleke. :yes:

  5. Jaaaa, hočemo videt še ostale stvari! :happy:
    Joj jaz imam vedno probleme s tem, kaj od ličil vzet s sabo in kaj pustit doma, ker je vedno v glavi tisti: “Kaj pa če bom to potrebovala?!” :biggrin:

    • Bom pokazala tudi ostalo. ;)
      Tudi jaz imam probleme s “Kaj pa če bom tudi to potrebovala?!”. V zadnjem času veliko potujem in sem se počasi že navadila, kaj dejansko potem uporabljam, ker po navadi za kaj zakompliciranega tako ali tako nimam časa.

  6. love seeing what other people take with them on vacations etc.
    I also really love everything you bought! that tarte blush looks really beautiful :)

  7. Prooooosiiiiim pokaži še obleke in čevlje, ki si jih kupila.

    Navdušena sem nad make-up pridobitvami. Od lakov pa me razen ChG nič ne gane prav preveč… Hvala bogu :blush:

    • Okidoki, bom pokazala še ostalo. ;) Malo bo treba sicer počakati, ker ne vem čisto točno, kako se bom lotila projekta. Sem pa za pokušino objavila OOTD ene izmed novih oblek. ;)


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