Bourjois Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + BM-224

I thought I would show you one of my latest manicures … stamping over the Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel nail polish in Bleu Water shade.

Here is what I used …

Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + Bundle Monster 224
Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + Bundle Monster 224

… and the result.

Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + Bundle Monster 224
Bourjois 1 Seconde Gel Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + Bundle Monster 224 stamping

I’m complete sucker for muted nail polishes and China Glaze metallic shades when it comes to stamping.
How do you like my konadicure?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Bourjois Bleu Water + China Glaze Sci-Fi + BM-224”

  1. Fantastična manikura, zelo mi je všeč. :wub: Sicer me teli Bourjoisi niso preveč impresionirali, ChG bi pa z veseljem imela za štempljanje, prav tako BM ploščke.


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