Laura Paige – Green magnetic nail polish (swatch, review, video)

Laura Paige is a completely new cosmetic brand to me. I’ve never heard of it before (I got the nail polish I’m going to show you today). I only have this one magnetic nail polish by this brand so I really can not say a lot about the brand in general. The polish was easy to apply and the magnet worked without any problems. There is really not much more to say about it. I think everything you need to know is included in the short video below.

Have you tried anything by Laura Paige yet? What did you try and what do you think about the products?

*Product was sent to me for review.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

10 thoughts on “Laura Paige – Green magnetic nail polish (swatch, review, video)”

  1. Srčkan video, všeč mi je postavitev. :) Zelo sem impresionirana nad magnetom, izjemno močan je! Kikotovega namreč niti slučajno ne smeš takole premikati, sicer vzorčka enostavno ne naredi oz. ga naredi zelo slabo. Barva je pa res lepa, ja. :yes:

    • Magnet je resnično super! Dobra novica – kupi se ga posebej. Cena 0,95€. Ima pa sedaj tudi IsaDora magnetke posebej za kupiti, a so se mi zdeli kar dragi (ne vem točne cene). Tudi Depend magnet je fajn, a je majhen.

  2. Ne poznam znamke, ampak v videu in na tvojih nohtih izgleda odlično. Posebne pohvale za uporaben in nazoren demo! :wink:


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