Manhattan – Blogger Edition nail polishes (swatches)

I know that I’m totally late with this post, because these polishes were limited edition and I don’t think you can still get them, but I have bought them, photographed them and wanted to show them to you. So here they are …

10M SoHo is a shimmery old gold polish. It isn’t streaky. There’s tons of shimmer, that looks like tiny glass flecks.

Swatch: Manhattan Mode Pilot Blogger Edition - 10M SoHo
Manhattan Mode Pilot Blogger Edition - 10M SoHo (2 coats)

08M Rodeo Drive is a dark mint shade with multicolored shimmer. This isn’t your typical mint shade. It isn’t a pastel mint shade. It is darker and more wearable. I would say that it looks darker IRL than it looks in my photo below.

Swatch: Manhattan Mode Pilot Blogger Edition - 08M Rodeo Drive
Manhattan Mode Pilot Blogger Edition - 08M Rodeo Drive (2 coats)

I really wanted the star of this limited edition – Green Chai, which has multicolored glitter in the milky base, but unfortunately it was sold out. There were a lot of shades in this collection but the other polishes I didn’t think were anything special.

What do you think about Manhattan polishes?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Manhattan – Blogger Edition nail polishes (swatches)”

  1. Soho mi je prelep :wub:
    Sicer nisem fanica Manhattna. Leta nazaj sem imela nekaj njihovih lakov in je bila kvaliteta katastrofa. So bili boljši Essence, vsaj v tistih časih. Se pa vsekakor ne bi branla Green Chai, ne glede na kvaliteto :stars:

  2. Oba odtenka sta mi zelo lepa. Green Chai grem takoj poguglat, ker me zdaj res zanima, kako izgleda. :D Sicer sploh nisem seznanjena z njihovimi laki, kaj šele kolekcijami.

  3. Na Facebooku je bilo glasovanje, v katerem so se punce odločale, kateri lak iz te kolekcije naj Manhattan vključi v redno kolekcijo in zmagal je sevede Green Chai. Tako da verjamem, da bomo kmalu ta lak dobile tudi Slovenke. :)

    Je bilo nekaj odtenkov, ki sem jih želela iz te kolekcije, ampak na žalost ni prišla k nam.

    • Nisem preizkusila, a po moje ni nič posebno dober za konadiranje. Rekla bi, da se sicer opazi na temni podlagi, ni pa strašno hudo pigmentiran. Bolj je nabit s šimrom.

  4. Rodeo drive je zanimiv, Soho pa me ne gane :) Kje si pa dobila to le?In kdaj? Ker Green chai si tud jaz ful želim, pa niti le nisem nikjer zasledila, kaj šele tega laka. :ahug:


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