Rain, snow, flood alerts – not my kind of a weather. So I pulled out swatches from one of my August play sessions with new Catrice nail polishes to remind me of sun, sea and shot sleeves.

Catrice George Blueney is for me personally the prettiest nail polish among their new fall 2012 shades. Gorgeous dark blue shimmery shade that was not hard to apply and gives my nails almost vampy look without being too dark + shimmer does not turn invisible.

I was having fun and decided to try out all three nail polishes I bought at once. First I sponged on Catrice No Snow Petrol nail polish and then stamped over the combo with Essence image plate and Catrice It’s All I Can Blue … I called this my invisible manicure as the last two nail polishes weren’t really that visible in real life. :D

Now I’m just hoping for at least one more month of fall weather and no more snow until the end of December.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Čedalje bolj se zaljubljam v tegale Georga :yes:
Gorge Blueney je divna nijansa, ne znam kako sam je promasila na ovim stalcima. Steta sto se ovaj stampong ne vidi bolje It’s all I can blue je prekrasna plava :wub:
Nijedan od novih Catrice lakova koje sam kupila nije promašena investicija, ali mi se Blueney još uvijek nekako najviše sviđa.
Lak je zelo lep, ampak druga verzija je gorđs! Ravno zato, ker je tako subtilna. :)
Druga verzija je bila tudi meni pri srcu, ker se barvi lepo dopolnjujeta. :yes:
oh george…most def boljši v laku kot resnici :stars:
sem ga kupila mami in mislim, da bom kaj kmalu šla si ga sposodit :whistle:
no snow petrol pa je tudi fantasičen :cute: dobro, da si me spomnila nanj, mogoče ga že danes namažem :sigh: žal imam tako pomanjkanje časa zadnje mesece, da še takrat, ko imam čas si kaj nalakirat ne vem kaj bi dala gor :undecided:
Jaz kar nekaj potegnem iz “to be swatched” vrečkice … potem pa hodim okoli z oranžnimi nohti in vijola oblačili. :silly:
Nice combination. Are you sastisfied with essence plates?
I am … as long as I thoroughly check them out in the store as not all of them are nicely engraved.