The other day I browsed through Dr. Martens web site and I fell in love with some of their shoes. Well, it isn’t a secret that I love Dr. Martens boots and I have loved them since high school. My very first Dr. Martens boots were brown with the metal cap. I loved them and wore them whole year around. I no longer have them. I think my mom threw them away. I still have my second pair of Dr. Martens boots from high school. They are dark blue and have the metal cap in the front (the safety toe cap thingy). A couple of years ago rediscovered my love for Dr. Martens shoes and at the moment I have two pairs. These are my babies …
The red ones are super comfortable to wear and are my everyday shoes. They are already a couple of years old and still look OK. The silver ones are very special and not everyones cup of tea. I bought them last year. It was a love at first try. I was immediately drawn to them, but was a bit afraid to even try them on. Eventually I did and was in love. I had to have them, so I bought them and wore them a lot last winter and spring. And I can’t wait to wear them again!
And here are some boots I fell in love with while browsing Dr. Martens web site.
I noticed that Dr. Martens shoes became very fashionable. I remember when they were more like military boots and now almost none of their boots have the metal cap. I don’t know … I like the new materials, patterns, but I miss the old ones.
This post brought back some old memories. High school … Getta grip boots, rock music … Fun times!
What do you think of Dr. Martens boots? Have you ever had a pair of Dr. Martens boots or maybe Getta grip boots?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
What are those red ones called? I really want a pair!
ufff ja tale :drool: :drool: poste je pa privlekel na plano spomine. Srednja šola, popivanje za Savinjo, rok žuri…. Moji prvi buleji so bili getta grip. :zip: Drugo leto se nisem mogla upreti in sem nabavila še dr martens. Svoje getta grip sem potem na faksu prodala sošolki za ponij :wub: , ki so mi ga pa po dveh mesecih ukradli :haha: (pred faksom)…
…trenutno imam pa v omari nizke črne :drool:
Res, ti bulerji na dan privlečejo spomine … na dobre stare čase, ko smo bili še mladi in neumni (ali kako se že temu reče :biggrin: )
Ohjej, packi so ti pinija ukradli. :shock:
lol, čim sam vidila post znala sam da su tvoje, i ja volim marte :sigh:
Hehehe … prav imaš, nobena druga Parokeetka ni tako odštekana, da bi bulerje nosila. :biggrin:
Pa kako Gogo si še predstavljam v nizkih Martenskah, Mamy in mene pa verjetno niti mrtvih ne vidiš v čem podobnem. :biggrin:
Smrtkoti so ti po mojem mnenju dobesedno pisani na kožo – kar vidim kakšne odštekan outfit bi skombinirala zraven. :w00t:
Ej, Gejba, si me nasmejala, ker me tako dobro poznaš. Prav imaš, niti v sanjah! :haha:
Ohhhh yeah baby, TO je shoe porn, ne pa petke. :yes: Jaz imam obične črne, s kapico. :happy:
A ne? Tudi jaz tako pravim. Saj imam rada petke in jih rada pogledam, a po duši sem pa takšna. :biggrin:
I still have my first pair. They were resoled once and need to be resoled once more, but are still wearable. I’ve had them for more than 10 years. I bought another pair of the same model this spring and I just love them. I don’t like these fashionable ones very much.
Dr. Martens forever! :biggrin:
jaz mam ta zadnje :D
Jaz sem nosila samo getta gripe, dokler so sploh bili še za nosit. :) Super čevlji, potem sem se pa zaljubila v pete in zdaj raje nosim škornje s petami. Moti me tudi to, da odkar so moderni ti vojaški čevlji, so tudi postali čisto predragi. Ene bi si enkrat še nabavila, čeprav se mi ne zdi slaba ideja moje kolegice, ki si jih je kar dala delat pri čevljarju, do kolen, železna kapica, črno usnje, tako kot je treba. :yes:
Jaz pa getta gripov nisem nikoli imela. Resnica je, da mi jih ati ni dovolil imeti, ker mu ni bil všeč tip ljudi, ki so jih nosili in ja, tudi čevlji mu niso bili všeč. Kasneje, ko bi si jih pa sicer lahko kupila, pa si jih nisem več tako zelo želela. A morda kaj veš, a se getta gripe še sploh dobi? Saj ne, da bi jih sedaj imela, ampak samo tako me zanima. Iz firbca. :D
A res? Tvoja kolegica je dala delat bulerje s kapico? Kje pa? Koliko so stali? In kako izgledajo (če imaš slučajno kakšno fotko – lahko tudi na mejl ;))? Super ideja!