Essence Breaking Dawn TE (The Twilight Saga)

Let’s see if Essence Breaking Dawn trend edition products are as good as on preview photos.
Today I have for you swatches of all 4 nail polishes and two liquid eyeliners.

Essence Breaking Dawn trend edition
Essence Breaking Dawn trend edition

As expected blue and purple nail polishes are my darlings. Together with black one they come in similar formula – quite thick and loaded with lots of tiny flake glitter. I had to apply all of them in two thicker coats and then apply 2 coats of top coat to get the shine I wanted. They look seriously pretty, but drying time was not as fast as I’m used to.

Essence Jacob’s Protection is the most complex and “have to have” nail polish in my book. Base is darker blue and sparkles from within in blue, purple, green tones.

Close behind is Essence Alice Had A Vision – Again. Another dark shade with multicolored/duochrome flakies, but this time suspended in dark purple base.
Both nail polishes are almost vampy shades but with a serious punch.

Essence Breaking Dawn - Jacobs Protection nail polish
Essence Breaking Dawn – Jacob’s Protection nail polish swatch

Essence Breaking Dawn - Alice Had A Vision-Again nail polish
Essence Breaking Dawn – Alice Had A Vision-Again nail polish swatch

I’m guessing someone on Essence creative team is on Jacob’s team as Jacob’s Protection is way prettier than Edward’s Love. :D
Almost black base with loads of primarily silver flakies but green and pink shimmer is also there. Now if they added holo flakies I would be floored by this nail polish, this way it’s OK, but nothing spectacular.

Essence Breaking Dawn - Edwards Love nail polish
Essence Breaking Dawn – Edward’s Love nail polish swatch

Essence A Piece Of Forever didn’t look appealing on promotional photographs and I did not fall in love with it in real life either. It’s gold, streaky and well … yellow gold. But it has one major selling point – it’s GREAT for stamping (I used one of the new Essence image plates).

Essence Breaking Dawn - A Piece Of Forever nail polish
Essence Breaking Dawn – A Piece Of Forever nail polish swatch

Essence Breaking Dawn - A Piece Of Forever stamping
Essence Breaking Dawn – A Piece Of Forever stamping over Alice had a vision-Again

Liquid eyeliners fulfill the promise of thin brush. I had no real trouble applying them and as they have sheer base I guess that is given. :D Each one is loaded with shimmery/glittery particles that give really nice shine, but I would still prefer if the base matched the color of the glitter as I’m one of the lazy ones (I first apply colored eyeliner and they shimmery one). I wore them for few hours and in that time they did not budge, but were easy to remove with my micellar solution. I used 2 layers on swatch.

Essence Breaking Dawn liquid eyeliners swatch
Essence Breaking Dawn liquid eyeliners: Jacob’s Protection, Alice Had A Vision – Again

Video review for those that want to see glitter in action. :D
– nail polish: ~2,20 EUR for 10ml (0.33 fl.oz.)
– glitter eyeliner: ~2,50 EUR for 4ml (0.13 fl.oz.)

I still have pigments and blush on my WL … will see how they look in reality and then buy few more goodies.

Tell me – now that you have seen swatches – are still the same nail polish shades on your WL?

*I received eyeliners for review and bought the nail polishes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

126 thoughts on “Essence Breaking Dawn TE (The Twilight Saga)”

  1. Na žalost so jih v moji lokalni drogeriji prodali, tako da bi bila zelo vesela, če bi jih dobila, ker so prečudoviti! :yes:

  2. Meni pa letošnji lakci niso tako zelo všeč kot lanski, tako da na srečo ne bo nervoznega obiskovanja Műllerja ;)
    Se jih pa ne bi branila, če slučajno naletim na njih. :)

  3. I love Jacob’s protection and alice had a vision – again will definitely have to grab a back up for those ones!

    Thanks so much for holding this!

  4. ciao partecipo davvero volentieri che bei premi
    fb stefy ste
    gfc abellaa
    yt stellinaamarina
    mi puoi far un haul sui primer, grz
    email abellaa(at)

  5. i simply love jacob’s protection (much prettier than edward’s love – i’m totally team jacob, when these polishes are concerned) and alice had a vision.

  6. These look awesome- my fave among them is definitely A piece of forever!
    Surprisingly their eyeliners also look fabulous and seem shimmery enough :)

  7. Od vsega mi je najbolj všečnen liner Alice Had A Vision – Again, prejšnja kolekcija mi je bila všečnejša :party:

  8. Žal sem spet zamudila vampirsko LE – to se mi je zgodilo že pri prejšnji, vampire’s love…
    Jacob’s protection in Alice had a vision – again izgledata zelo lepo. :wub:

  9. I need the first two colours! Wouldn’t mind having the 3rd one either ;), though it’s probably the least unique of them. Lovely swatches :)

  10. Vijoličen lak je čudovit :wub: . Nad črtali sem pa kar malo razočarana, lepši in vsaj zame bolj uporabni bi bili z barvno bazo.

  11. Oh my! The collection is gorgeous, I would love to have some of these, my favorite is the Essence Breaking Dawn – Alice Had A Vision-Again nail polish swatch.

  12. The polishes are so gorgeous, especially Jacob’s Protection! I wish I could buy these in Canada. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  13. :biggrin: I agree that someone on Essence team likes Jacob more than Edward, Jacob’s Protection is super pretty and definitely a must-have! Thanks for the giveaway dolls!

  14. Čeprav preziram Twilight in vse povezano z njim, so mi vsi laki všeč. :D
    Ampak mislim, da mi Edward’s Love top.

    Hvala za giveaway in priložnost osvajanja lakov. :)

  15. Hi, I’m sorry, but the question is which name you follow me, i answered Monika . , but i followed you at Monika T :)

  16. Nice colors, even if I hate Twilight saga! p.s. I did a mistake with my last comment, I’m writing from my sister’s computer and there was her e mail address.. And I don’t know how to remove it! Hope it’s not a problem!

  17. Looooove this giveaway!! This limited edition collection hasn’t arrived yet here in Italy ^_^ hope I’ll have a chance to grab the red blush <3
    Enter me please ^_^

  18. Haha, sem se nasmejala glede Jacoba :wink: res je lepši od Edwarda xD govorim o lakih seveda, drugače sem v team Edward :cool:
    Me veseli, da je zlat lak dober vsaj za konadiranje. Meni barva mi je res grozna, že sama po sebi :S zraven vseh teh lepotcev je res malo izven konteksta :biggrin:
    Upam, da bom tudi jaz naletela na dokaj polno stojalo, ker so mi vsi ostali laki ful všeč xD
    Super swatchi, kot vedno :thumb:

  19. Beautiful swatches of the polishes! I love them all!! :love: They make me even more excited to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 when it comes out! These would be perfect to wear to the movie premier! :)

  20. Vijoličen in moder sta lepa <3 Zlata ni moja barva, črn me pa spominja na stare Essence odtenke. Se jih pa vseeno ne bi branila :wink: Hvala za giveaway :rose:

  21. I was quite excited about a couple polishes from this collection, obviously the dark ones so I’m super happy about finding good swatches.
    LOL for “team Jacob” vs “team Edward”. Actually the black + silver flakies is not a very original polish (last Vampire’s Love from Essence had one, practically the same of a Colour&Go).

    Thanks for the giveaway!!! :rose:

  22. I’ve just seen this collection in store and took the 4 polishes, they look stunning!! and that’s great that A Piece Of Forever works for stamping! thanks for the idea!! <3 I also took the red gloss and I love it so much!! I hesitate for the blush but I'll probably go again and grab it. It didn't seem shimmery.
    Great pictures!!

  23. amazing contest, I’m totally crazy for the Twilight Saga! oh my Gawd, thank you very much indeed

    following you via G+ as Rositas LaTanita :zip:

  24. Count me in for the giveaway! Your stores seem to be the first in getting the new LEs. I don’t think we’ll get that anytime soon.
    Don’t like the gold polish very much but it definitely rocks as a stamping polish!
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway and good luck to everyone.

  25. Prva dva lakca sta prečudovita, kot sem tudi predvidevala <3
    Mislim, da si bom nabavila ta dva + mogoče kakšen pigment, če mi bo všeč.
    Vsekakor se ve, kdaj bo ta LE v drogerijah?naj bi bila šele čez 1 mesec? :(
    in super giveaway, hvala za priložnost :)

  26. I like this purple one. I bought one nail polish from previous collection, but I wasnt very satisfied. Hope these are better.

  27. I still believe the darkest are the ones I want (Alice and Jacob). Gold looks awful on me so I already knew I would have passed it. What about Edward? I think I need to see the bottle IRL to decide about it. I’m not really amazed by it right now. I must say I am not a flakie lover anyway. Last year’s collection was much better IMHO!
    Thanks for thinking of your readers though!! :wub:

  28. Moder in viola lak se bosta definitivno znašla v moji zbirki. Poleg tega pa še pigmenti. Mogoče kak liner tudi, sem mislila kupiti oba, ampak če ju dam preko črne, se mi zdi, da ne bo neke velike razlike, ker sta oba temna. Zlat lak me je razočaral, ne vem, zakaj sem pričakovala, da bo imel kak zanimiv šimer ali glitter. Se že veselim, da jih najdem v trgovini. :)

  29. It’s so sad that we don’t get TE’s over here. The blue one is to die for! Thank you for a great giveaway!


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