I may not be huge fan of Twilight movie saga, but I tend to like Essence Twilight limited edition nail polishes. You could say I do it backwards … I anxiously await new Twilight movie so I can see what kind of nail polishes will Essence be bring out. :D
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: group photo Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: group photo](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_group_photo-450x341.jpg)
And nail polishes (2,19 EUR) in Essence Breaking Dawn TE are looking promising so far … 3 out of 4 at least. This time we’re getting 4 shades with appropriate names: 01 Jacob’s protection (blue), 02 Alice had a vision – again (purple), 03 A piece of forever (gold), 04 Edward’s love (black). I just hope they won’t be too similar to Vampire’s Love TE shades.
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: nail polishes (preview) Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: nail polishes (preview)](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_nail_polishes_preview-450x341.jpg)
No eyeshadow palette this time, but 4 pigments (2,69 EUR) are good replacement in my book. Judging from promo photos, blue and gold are something I may like, but glittery one also looks like potentially fantastic top coat.
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: pigments (preview) Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: pigments (preview)](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_pigments_preview-450x341.jpg)
Renesmee red blush (3,09 EUR) is another product that caught my eye – interesting shade I’m pretty sure I don’t have + it does not look too shimmery. Keeping my fingers crossed it doesn’t turn out pink with loads of shimmer.
Shimmer powder (3,29 EUR) on the other hand is probably to shimmery for me as powder, but they do sometimes make lovely highlighters. Available in one shade – Bella‘s secret.
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: blush, powder (preview) Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: blush, powder (preview)](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_blush_powder_preview-450x341.jpg)
There is only one lipstick (2,69 EUR) in Essence Breaking Dawn TE – shimmery gold one called A piece of forever. And to round up lip selection Essence added two shimmery lip glosses (2,19 EUR) – Alice had a vision – again, Renesmee red.
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: lipstick, lipglosses (preview) Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: lipstick, lipglosses (preview)](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_lipstick_lipglosses_preview-450x341.jpg)
Last two items are liquid eyeliners (2,49 EUR). Essence is promising us thin brush and precise application.
![Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: liquid eyeliners (preview) Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn TE: liquid eyeliners (preview)](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Essence_Breaking_Dawn_liquid_eyeliners_preview-450x341.jpg)
*photos for collages courtesy of Essence
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I plan to get one of each product, and then try them and get more of those I like. The loose eye powders and the blue nail polish look the most interesting to me, I’m looking forward to see them in the store. The shimmer powder looks the same as in previous Essence Vampire’s Love collection, and I haven’t used that one a lot, it’s too shimmery for everyday, except as an eyeshadow:)
:party: I’m not a huge fan of twilight, but still liking it though, I think this collection can be quite cool. I loved the eclipse collection, so I’m really loooking forward to those pigments and the blush. I wonder why essence skiped a red lipstick? I know it’s generic, like deep red = vampires, but it’s a thing I would surely want to buy and enjoy having it. the gold-ish seems to be a bit meh for my liking :ermm:
Blah, pa sem že mislila da je konec te vampirske obsedenosti. :sigh:
Bom vrgla oko na moder lak, ampak ostalo me pa že zaradi teme ne mika
žao mi je što onu prvu kolekciju nisam uhvatila,svidili su mi se lakovi,a sad ništa,super ako od ove nesto uzmem
Laki me preveč spominjajo na že videno. Jih pa vseeno pregledam, če jih ujamem. ;) Bolj me zanimata blush in rdeč lipgloss, pa moder eyeliner zgleda fino, samo če bo imel dober aplikator. :)
Kot vedno so mi najbolj padli v oči laki (razen zlatega) xD Bomo vidli, kaj se bo dalo dobit v trgovini…joj, že vidim naval :cool:
LOL – očitno nas kar nekaj ni navdušenih nad zlatim lakom. Na srečo bo vsepovsod na voljo, tako da bomo verjetno vse dobile kar si želimo.
i’m not very excited for this collection, just not a big twighlight fan :P
the nail polishes do look really pretty though! (well except for the gold one, but that”s just because gold nail polish looks horrible on me :P)
Gold is not my favorite either, but other 3 … :wub:
ta LE me pa res zanima, predvsem moder in vijola lak pa še bolj vijola lip gloss, bomo vidli :thumb:
Meni je malo bolj všeč rdeči. Bomo videli kakšna bosta v živo. :lips:
ovaj preview mi se puno vise svidja, svi lakovi :wub: rumenilo i oba linera :wub: :nails:
Zanima me od kuda je došao prvi. Ali se i meni više sviđa ovaj … samo zeleni pigment mi je sad pao u oči. :biggrin:
Pri lakcih sem pomislila na isto kot ti, da so zelo podobni lakom iz Vampire’s Love kolekcije. Ampak od blizu na promo fotkah moder in vijoličen izgledata prav zanimiva. Še pigmenti so me pritegnili. Bomo videli, kakšna bo ta kolekcija v živo.
Mhm – pigmenti bi res znali biti lepi. Držim pesti za zlatega, da bo fino mlet … potrebujem nekaj takega za afnanje. :cute:
twilight me sploh ne zanima, ampak so mi lakci zelo všeč!
Jaaa – očitno bomo imeli nove mini krpice v zbirkah. :nails: