Makeup Academy (MUA Cosmetics) is a drugstore brand sold in the UK Superdrug stores and it is also available online. Right now they are celebrating their 35000 likes on Facebook and are offering 35% off everything and free shipping, which is amazing! If you were thinking on ordering something and are still undecided what to get, here is an idea.
Immaculate Collection make up palette

There are 24 eyeshadows in the palete. Most of them are shimmery (or even glittery), but there are some mattes as well. Most of the matte eyeshadows are either chalky or not pigmented enough. The exception is the matte black eyeshadows, which is amazing. For my taste there are too many light shades with frosty or metallic finish. Those type of eyeshadows remind me of 80s make ups. But the colors and the finishes are very subjective thing and if some colors aren’t suitable for me that doesn’t mean that you won’t love them. In general the quality of the eyeshadows is nice. I prefer these over Sleek eyeshadows.
The price is £8.00, which is a reasonable price for such a palette. And now with the promo code MUA35 you get 35% off.
I also did two make up looks using the Immaculate Collection palette.

If you like the palette and the make up looks I did with it and you’d like to order it online, hurry up! Offer ends at 2pm on 23rd of November 2012.
*The product was sent to me for review. Lič
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hello, could I use your swatch photo to sell the palette?
boje su prekrasne :wub:
Ravno nekaj dni nazaj sem se zaljubila v eno mono senčko od MUA. Številka 9 in zna biti da je to številka 24 v tej paleti, ali pa ji je vsaj podobna. Cele palete pa vseeno ne bi kupila, ne zato, ker mi ne bi bile všeč barve, temveč zato, ker te odtenke v teh finiših že imam. Čeprav imam res rada šimrast finiš senčk, čedalje bolj pogrešam več mat senčil v zbirki, tako da se nasploh osredotočam na nakupe teh. Za bleščičaste moram imeti že kar utemeljen izgovor, zakaj spet nujno potrebujem nekaj takšnega. :biggrin:
I just ordered this one yesterday for Christmas presents! 35% was too good of a deal to pass!