Upcoming limited editions for fall/winter 2012

New goodies are slowly coming to our stores so I thought I would make post with mini preview of few limited edition that will be soon available in Slovenia.

Alessandro Glitz&Glam

Glitz&Glam from Alessandro is limited edition of four 10ml glittery nail polishes just in time for sparkly December manicures. They all look tempting, but the red one … drool worthy.

Alessandro Glitz&Glam LE
Alessandro Glitz&Glam limited edition (preview)

Catrice Siberian Call

December LE from Catrice will be appropriately called Siberian Call. :D Most interesting things? For me that would be 2 cream to powder blushes. Warmed toned eyeshadows also look good, but I’m not sure about nail polishes – they don’t really look like my cup of tea. Love the snowflakes on the packaging so I’m bound to buy at least something from this LE.

Catrice Siberian Call LE
Catrice Siberian Call limited edition (preview)

Essence Fantasia

Essence is wrapping up 2012 with Fantasia trend edition. Nail polishes look more to my taste than Catrice ones, but are not on top of my WL … highlighter and self-adhesive eye jewels have that honor.

Essence Fantasia LE
Essence Fantasia limited edition (preview)

Bourjois Rouge Edition

Rouge Edition is already on our stands, but I had to show you these gorgeous lipsticks. I think they’re priced around 10 EUR, but are worth it in my opinion – colors are superb, they look like great moisturizing lipstick … I just have to decide which one to try out first.

Bourjois Rouge Edition LE
Bourjois Rouge Edition limited edition (preview)
Any other interesting limited edition coming our way?
I’m almost done saving up for new computer so I’m planing to splurge in December.

*photos for collages courtesy of Slovenian distributer for each brand

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Upcoming limited editions for fall/winter 2012”

  1. Jaz sem pred kratkim kupila Bourjois Rouge Edition šminko v 02 odtenku, pa se mi ne zdi ne vem kako vlažilna. Sicer mi ustnic ne izsuši med vlažilne jo pa ravno ne morem uvrstiti. Je kar dobro obstojna in se ne razliva čez rob.
    Lakci mi pa niso všeč – zadnje čase mi bleščice, gliter ipd ni všeč.

    • Jaz sem kupila 03, ki je precej glicerinasta in vlažilna … kar sem ugotovila šele, ko sem jo preizkusila na ustnicah. :roll:
      Določeni odtenki so bili pa že skoraj mat.

  2. Ta rdeč Alessandro lakec je to die for! Nujno ga moram nabavit!

    Bourjois šminke sem pa ravno danes poswatchala in potem eno tudi kupila. Zdijo se ful fajne!


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