I bought Catrice No Snow Petrol nail polish as soon as it arrived in the stores, but this is the first time (that I remember ) I had it on as full manicure.

Color is simply gorgeous – tealish base with blue shimmer. Application was nothing special, formula is on the thicker side and if I were to use thicker coat, one layer would already be full coverage. Can look greener in other kind of lighting.

This looked like perfect base for glitter french manicure with China Glaze Liquid Crystal. But I needed something to tie together two polishes so I first used one coat of Sephora Twinkle Twinkle nail polish I got as a gift from Maestra. Then I started with thin tip, disliked it and added thicker tip … and disliked that one also. Oh, well – that is the beauty of manicures – I tried, I failed, I removed. :D
But it is something that could serve as Christmas manicure … in a nicer version that is.

How would you upgrade No Snow Petrol?
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Lušten lak! French pa mi preveč posrečena. :blush:
No Snow Petrol je predivan lak, još uvijek na wish listi al ne za dugo :yes:
Definitvno trebaš. :nails:
Predivan je!!
Najlepsi od tih novih lakova.. :yes:
Za mene jedan od najljepših … Catrice George Blueney je isto prekrasan.
Nisam ljubitelj plavih lakova, ali ova kombinacija je prijatna.
snow petrol zbilja krasno izgleda :yes:
a ti ga još uljepšala :thumb:
Na kraju je ispao još bolje nego što sam mislila. :biggrin:
Tale No Snow Petror je res prekrasen. :wub: Jaz ga rada kombiniram z Mrs and Mr Glitter, mi pašeta super skupaj. :yes:
Luštna kombinacija. :thumb: :nails:
love the frensh glitter!
Glad somebody liked it. :rose: