Saturday mix: mini beauty haul, poll

Just got back from shopping (now I remember why I hate Saturday’s in malls …) and bought few make up goodies I wanted to share with you.

In Müller stores I saw two things I had to buy. First one was one of 2 Max Factor sets for 9,59 EUR. I bought the set with livelier nail polishes (Hot Pink, Intense Plum, Cloudy Blue), Creme Puff in 05 Translucent, 2000 Calorie mascara, mini Kohl Pencil in 020 Black and tester of new Face Finity in Natural 50 shade. I think this is great price for cute set.
Second thing I could not leave the store without was at least one of Mavala Show Time LE nail polishes. I loved pink, blue and red shade, but as they cost 3,99 EUR and I had no idea if they’re as good as they’re pretty I bought only one. In the end I chose Mavala Sparkling Red no. 226, just because Christmas season is coming and this red/holo glitter nail polish is perfect for it.

DM really annoyed me today as they didn’t have half of the things on my shopping list. But I did spot new Ebelin nail polish remover bottles with the pump … which now comes in smaller packaging than before. We’ll see if the quality is still good.

Mini haul: Max Factor, Mavala
Mini haul: Max Factor, Mavala

Maestra bought me all 3 of Essence Winter Edition hand creams for my birthday + Tangle Teezer hair brush (love it ) and couple of eyeshadows. She really knows me well.
Would you like to read review of Essence hand creams? It’s not like they’re that different than last years … they just have different scents. I just need 5 more cinnamon ones and I’m set until the next year (I bought 2 chocolate and 2 cinnamon ones today).

Maestra's BDay gift
Maestra’s BDay gift

My last question – which of the following foundations would you like to see reviewed next in my part of Project Foundation series?

[poll id=”13″]

Liquid foundations waiting for review

Have a lovely Saturday.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Saturday mix: mini beauty haul, poll”

    • Mislim, da jo bom kupila samo, če kje naletim na dobro akcijo. Deluje mi namreč zelo prekrivna podlaga kar pri meni ni najbolj zaželeno. Istočasno pa je videti, da se bo našel vsaj približen odtenek zame, tako da me mika. :biggrin:

  1. Jaz sem se pa odločila za max factor set z bronz lakcem in lip tintom… nad lip tintom sem očarana, me je vedno odvrnil koncept flomastra, pa je super, mislim da si bom še nabavla kakšno drugo barvo… lakce, ki si jih dobila ti, pa sem že dobila z drugim setom in sem očarana… max factor lakci so ene najboljših kvalitet kar sem jih preizkusila.

    • Joj – mene so tudi mikali tvoji lakci, pa sem potem v bistvu dragemu pustila končno odločitev … čeprav so tudi mene za odtenek bolj mikali “moji” lakci. :biggrin:
      Uh – zdaj me pa še bolj mika kupit še drugi set … že zaradi tinta. :w00t:

  2. Jaz sem zaljubljena v tale odstanjevaled od Ebelina, razen embalaža je shit, ker spušča, če ni v pokončnem položaju “/
    Kje pa si kupila tangle Teezer & koliko si dala? :wub:

    Btw, Imajo Fit me in Neutrogenin puder tudi pri nas?

    • A veš, da še niti ena moja embalaža ni puščala, pa jih kupujem odkar so na tržišču. :think:
      Dobila sem ga za darilo. :wink: Sem ga pa tudi jaz že kupila naprej za darilo in ti lahko povem, da je okoli 15 EUR v Mullerju. Povzetek – krasno darilo za dolgolaske. :biggrin:

  3. A bodo swatchi tega Max Factor seta? Jaz sem ga tudi opazila v našem Müllerju in za to ceno se mi zdi super, ampak nisem bila ziher zaradi pudra, če bi mi ustrezal pa tudi 2 laka nista bila najbolj po mojem okusu (2 pink).
    A tale Ebelin je v novi preobleki? Jaz pa sem mislila, da je to kak nov izdelek.
    Drugače pa si dobila super darilo a rojstni dan. :)

    • Planirala sem ali video ali post. Bom še videla za kaj točno se bom odločila.
      Jaz sem puder v bistvu želela temen – konturiranje pa to … :silly:

      Meni se zdi, da so celo linijo preoblekli … imajo vsi nove embalaže.


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