I adore my Inglot Freedom System eyeshadow palettes but they’re also responsible for few extra gray hair – they just don’t want to show their true colors on the photos. I guess close enough will have to do … even though I hate that phrase.
I wanted to swatch my matte eyeshadows first, but those were the lousiest photos of them all so I have to redo them. That is why I’ll be first showing you my cool/warm Inglot palette.

This is the palette that started it all – I love the colors but cool and warm eyeshadows together really bother me for some reason, so I’ll be redoing all of my Inglot eyeshadow palettes.
One side is composed of 5 warm toned eyeshadows:
– 07 AMC Shine: peachy-gold-beige highlight shade. Little bit too shimmery for me, but the color is really nice, so I keep using it.
– 430 Pearl: little bit muted gold shade, great opacity like most of the pearl finish eyehsadows.
– 409 Pearl: cooler brown eyeshadow.
– 421 Pearl: warmer/chocolate brown.
– 62 AMC: black base with mostly copper shimmer which gives it warm tone.

Cooler toned side is mostly composed of blueish/grayish toned eyeshadows.
– 448 Pearl: grayish blue light shade.
– 420 Pearl: this one is a lot cooler than on photo – more to the cool purple side.
– 434 Pearl: darker gray shade with purple caste.
– 147 AMC Shine: blue-silver base filled with shimmer.
– 460 Double Sparkle: weird mauvish color that is actually very useful. :D

As you can see, I love pearl finish. It’s amazingly easy to work with, colors are never boring and flat. The only problem is that they’re usually very pigmented – fact that I tend to forget, so a lot of times I end up going out with a lot stronger makeup that intended. :D
Double Sparkle is finish I surprisingly loved – it weird combination of almost matte base infused with almost glitter particles. You get just enough of sparkle that base color does not look dull, but the finished look is still more “conservative” and not glittery.
Which of the shown eyeshadows would be your favorite? Or maybe side – cooler or warmer?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
no sem se spet ustavila pri Inglot videu in vidim, da je tukaj tudi odgovor, kje jih kupiti…
bo treba torej kaj v Zagreb :sigh:
Pretty colours, great pigmentation! Only thing that bothers me, aren’t the Inglot eyeshadows square shaped? Did they change it?
They used to carry both shapes – round and square, but are discontinuing round ones. :sigh:
Meni je celotna kombinacija fajn, ker imaš izbiro. Bi pa v takšni paleti imela še eno bolj svetlo senčilo, ki bi bilo fajn za osvetljevanje.
Ugotavljam, da imam nekam premalo svetlih odtenkov … bo treba popravit stanje. :biggrin:
Veš kaj bi bilo super, če bi napisali kje kupite oz. dobite te stvari?
Pri Inglotu to ponavadi napišemo v haul postu. Ker če imaš nekaj senčil v paleti iz Poljske, nekaj iz Hrvaške, tretje iz ZDA … je hitro kaos. :biggrin:
Torej se jih dobi na hrvaškem :D. Kje pa?
Imaš jih na FB … nekam pogosto menjajo lokacijo poslovalnic, na originalni strani pa je tudi seznam vseh Inglot trgovin. http://inglotcosmetics.com/inglot/stores
Jaz sem si ravnokar kupila nekaj Inglot senčil in res komaj čakam, da jih sprobam. Swatchi v trgovini so mi bili fantastični!
Poročaj kako ti bodo všeč. :w00t:
Vizualno mi je bolj všeč topla stran, vendar bi sama uporabljala bolj hladno stran, ker je potem kontrast med barvo mojih oči in makeupom. Imam namreč rjavkasto-zelene oči.
He, he, he – meni so vedno bolj všeč hladne barve, ,vendar mi toplejše lepše stojijo. :silly:
Preferiram hladno stran, čeprav mi je 421P tudi zelo všeč.
Meni 421 na prvi pogled ni bila lepa barva, vendar pa sploh ni švoh v akciji. :biggrin: