KOTD with Essence – Top Of The Ice-Stream (Snow Jam TE)

I stumbled across two new trend editions by Essence the other day. One being the Snow Jam and the other Vintage District Trend Edition. In the Snow Jam TE the white nail polish with an interesting blue shimmer caught my eyes and in the Vintage District the grey nail polish with a purple shimmer was the most interesting to me. So I bought both of them (and bought all nail polishes from the Vintage District TE for Gejba).

Let me present you “the white one” called Top Of The Ice-Stream. It is a milky sheer based nail polish with tiny blue glass flecked shimmer. I am not sure but I think that the shimmer is duochrome.

Swatch: Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream
Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream (3 coats)
Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream
Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream

I’d like to warn you. Don’t be fooled by the beauty of this polish. This baby is sheer. My photo shows three coats and the last one being a pretty thick coat. It is a bit streaky to apply. I’ve had some issues with bubbling, but I have this problem with a lot of Essence polishes. Other than that I love it! It’s one of the prettiest milky white nail polishes that I own. And it dries very fast which is great!

Top Of The Ice-Stream really reminds me of snow which and that was my inspiration for today’s konadicure.

Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream with Konad m14, m56, m59

Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream with Konad m14, m56, m59

Essence Snow Jam TE - Top Of The Ice-Stream with Konad m14, m56, m59

How to creat the konadicure:

  • Apply 3 coats of sheer milky white nail polish (Essence – Top Of The Ice-Stream)
  • Stamp snowflakes randomly with a grey nail polish (Essence – Get Arty (Vintage District)) using the Konad – m59 IP.
  • Stamp the bow with a turquoise nail polish (Essence – Shopping@Portobello Road) using the Konad – m56 IP.
  • Stamp the little sparks with a grey and a turquoise nail polish using the Konad – m14 IP.
  • Apply one thin coat of the sheer milky white nail polish.
  • Apply top coat.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “KOTD with Essence – Top Of The Ice-Stream (Snow Jam TE)”

  1. You made me want this milky white!!! I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait for it to arrive here (or do another trip to Nova Gorica to see if DM or OVS received this collection).
    I love also the konadicure you made, perfect for winter! :thumb:

  2. Luštna manikura. :wub:
    Mene sta premamila moder in zelen iz te kolekcije, ta bel mi je bil tudi lep, a vem, da ga ne bi nosila, tako da ga nisem vzela.

  3. Sem ga gledala, če bi ga vzela ali ne, pa ga potem nisem. Imam kar strogo prepoved kupovanja lakov, so me pa vsi razen vijoličnega zamikali. Ampak, roko na srce, imam zagotovo kaj takšnega že v stashu. No, tega belega gotovo ne, vendar vem, da ga ne bi pogosto nosila. Sicer pa zelo luštna manikura, všeč mi je!

    • Hvala!
      Jaz pa zadnje čase ravno samo nevtralne (ali rdeče ali vampy) lake nosim, zato je bil tale kot naročeno. Kupujem pa tudi mnogo mnogo manj. Me je minilo. Imam toliko lepih lakov in kar pogosto pobrskam med svojo zbirko in vedno kaj “novega” odkrijem. Kakšen lak, ki sem ga že pozabila in/ali ga še nisem nosila, in se ga prav razveselim. :biggrin:


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