I was browsing through Essence stands couple of weeks ago and spotted 2 new image plates. I could not find other two anywhere … I’m assuming there are 4 of them as they usually bring them out.

I spotted the third one few timed on beauty blogs, but never really saw 4th one. Does anybody have it? How does it look like so I don’t miss it.
I’ll do usual review about the set pf new plates as soon as I buy all of them.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I like them, no no essence in the island where I live
Those other 2 with the flip flops and with the snake have been here longer then to 2 you’ve posted (those 2 I just saw 2 weeks ago) The other 2 about 2 months ago. I also saw a new plate that is in the stampy set with 2 cute birds in love, here you can see it: http://i767.photobucket.com/albums/xx319/Meyara/1-7_zpsecdb33b7.jpg it’s in the middle.
sve bolje i bolje su im pločice… kod nas ih još nisam vidjela
Eno, ki ti manjka, sem jaz danes videla v Mullerju v BTCju, če ti to kaj pomaga :) Jaz pa drugi dve iščem :D
Tipično – na Čopovi in v SN ni, v BTCju kamor ne hodim, pa seveda je. :biggrin: Hvala za info. :rose:
Saj je vedno tako, tam kjer si redno nikoli nimajo tistega, kar iščeš :roll: Ni problema, še kdaj :wink:
im planning to write a post about the other two image plates
i just bought those today, one has a bow, a snake, some kinda aztec pattern and the other one has a pair of flip-flops, birds, anchor etc
Looking forward to it. :happy:
Here is a link to my post
its in hungarian but the pictures speak for themselves :-)
Thx for the photos! I like both of them. :w00t:
Ova prva izgleda zanimljivo, ali druga i ne bas, doduse mislim da nisam jos ove vidjela kod nas, dosta puta su mijenjali te plocice pa vise ne znam sto je dostupno a sto ne
Kod nas mislim, da jih menjaju 2 puta godišnje … sa ostalim stvarima. :think:
Maca i šapice deluju preslatko.
Idealna kombinacija – šteta samo što nisu na istoj pločici. :whistle:
Ti dve jaz že en čas neuspešno iščem. Upam, da ju kje najdem, ker imata res zanimive vzorce. :yes:
Ti imaš preostali dve? Se mi svita, da sem eno videla tudi pri tebi, vendar zadnje čase vse tako hitro preberem, da sem vse zamešala. :blush:
Ja, jaz imam preostali dve, od teh dveh s fotke na nobene. Saj če ti tisti dve manjkata, ti ju lahko jutri jaz vzamem, če želiš, samo povej.
Hvala za prijazno ponudbo, vendar za 1x še vedno upam, da ju bom nekje zagledala. :rose: