I bought Essence Floral Grunge LE a while ago and already wore 2 nail polishes from it. I guess green one is a given, but white one was actually the first one I put on. I just wanted to see if I like white color better than before … as in I like pastels more, does that translate to the white one also kind of logic. Well – it doesn’t.
Essence Floral Grunge Lily Bloom is little bit off white shade because purple tint to it. Application was not awful but it wasn’t smooth either. 2 coats were enough on the nails where I didn’t manage to mess up first layer. I added 3rd coat to messed up nails and it looked OK. Coverage is not 100%, but it is pretty good. Finish is glossy on the photo thanks to 2 layers of top coat – it looks kind of glitter-grainy/semi-matte texture without it.
![Essence Floral Grunge LE - Lily Bloom](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Essence-Floral-Grunge-Lily-Bloom_parokeets.jpg)
I loved green Grunge Me Tender! though. What a lovely shade and it’s perfect for my skin tone! I did need 3 coats for nice and even application, but it drys very fast so it wasn’t really a problem. Maybe I could have gotten away with 2 thicker layers, but I didn’t feel like using glops of product. This finish is also kind of semi-matte. I used top coat for the swatch. This is how Grunge Me tender! look under artificial light:
![Essence Floral Grunge LE - Grunge Me Tender](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Essence-Floral-Grunge-Grunge-Me-Tender_parokeets.jpg)
But this chameleon shades looks very different in shade/natural light so I took photo of comparison with Blossoms etc. A Hint Of Mint for Purple Rain in shade to show you the difference. Everything changes – shimmer is less visible, undertone is blue instead of green …
![Essence Floral Grunge LE Grunge Me Tender vs. A Hint Of Mint comparison](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Essence-Floral-Grunge-Grunge-Me-Tender_A-Hint-Of-Mint_comparison_parokeets.jpg)
Other 3 shades I swatched at the same time. This time I didn’t use any top coat so you can see the finish as is.
From top to bottom (2 coats each):
- Be Flowerful – more coral in artificial light and purple in natural; glossy finish; not super easy to apply
- Madly Purple – cooler purple with lots of tiny even cooler shimmer
- Black To The Roots – semi-matte black base with silver glitter
![Essence Floral Grunge LE - Be Flowerful, Madly Purpled, Black From The Root](https://www.parokeets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Essence-Floral-Grunge_Be-Flowerful_Madly-Purpled-Black-From-The-Root_parokeets.jpg)
Shimmer is best seen in video review I posted on YouTube:
I saw only few products from Catrice Candy Shock – anything in it I would dreadfully miss?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Kdaj pa pride na naše police Guerilla Gardening kolekcija? Sem opazila da obljubljajo Nail Effect praške, pa ne vem točno kako naj si to predstavljam :whistle: . Sem računala na vašo pomoč :wink:
Se bom pozanimala, če/kdaj jo dobimo (Muller mislim, da jo je že dobil). Praški predvidevam, da so tisti, ki naredijo žametno prevleko čez noht. Če naletim na LE, bom verjetno vzela kakšnega za zabavo. :biggrin:
Guerilla Gardening pride v DM in Leclerc LJ … s tem, da jo DM na Trdinovi že ima. :angel:
I just love the Essence Floral Grunge LE Grunge Me Tender :w00t:
Hvaaalaaa za primerjavo :rose: se mi zdita dovolj podobna, da ne rabim še tega zelenkota. Ga pa hočem. Pa vijoličnega tudi. :blush: Ampak se bom probala zadržat, hehe.
Ni zakaj. Če le imam lake in čas, z veseljem pomagam. :yes:
Zanalašč nisem opisovala primerjave, ker sta zame itak pomembno različna, za večino pa “close enough”. :biggrin:
Be Flowerful i Madly Purple su mi lijepi, ali necu uzimat nista iz ove kolekcije nisu mi toliko specijalni :nails:
Prednost je, da se brzo suše, ali boje (osim zelenog) nisu ništa novo ili spektakularne.
Joj, ob to kolekcijo se spotikam na vseh koncih in krajih. Vendar me laki tudi po tvojih swatchih ne prepričajo, me je pa zdaj po Ajdinem komentarju blush zamikal. V Leclercu na Rudniku imaš sicer še čisto polno stojalo Candy Shock LE od Catrice. Mene nič ne pritegne, čeprav so blushi in senčke zelo lepe videti, so tiste, marmorne. :) Ampak zame je vse prerožnato. :)
Meni je pa zelenko taaaako všeč. Brez ostalih bi preživela. :silly: Če se prav spomnim, mi je v oko padel osvetljevalec(?), samo je deloval rahlo praškast. :think:
Laki me sploh niso prepričali, sem pa navdušena nad blushem 01 Be flowerful. Resnično navdušena :)
Zdaj to izvem. :biggrin: V trgovini niso imeli testerjev in pri množici rdečil, ki si jih že lastim … :cute:
Sem imela srečo, da sem dobila polno stojalo, ampak bi se lahko tudi jaz že zadržala pri blushih! :) Je pa res, da niti podobnega nimam še nobenega!