I received 3 of Alessandro Sweet, Sweet Flowers LE nail polishes few weeks ago, opened the box and started to drool over pastels. After few minutes I wondered if I should go check my temperature, put them on my swatch table and let them rest for a while.
It’s really weird that I actually started liking pastel shades. I always found them to be useful as nail art base, but they usually strike me as to pale/cool to be worn by themselves. I’m blaming the winter weather we’re having this spring for my sudden craving for pastel shades.
Alessandro Sweet, Sweet Flowers LE is inspired by the 70’s and combines soft pastel shades with bolder and darker colors. I have 3 pastel colors to show you – yellow, gray and purple.
First one I had to try, was Alessandro Sunny Glow – pastel yellow shade that brightened one of the foggy days. It’s yellow and pastel, so don’t expect poetry like application. On the other hand it was easier to apply than most of yellow pastel nail polishes. 2 coats + top coat.
Next one was Alessandro Grey Sparkle. I don’t really get the name, but it is one of the prettiest light creme gray shades in my collection. It doesn’t look off on me and is lovely base for nail art experiments. Application of this one was the best, pretty normal I would say. 2 coats + top coat.
Last one I wore for a week … and I didn’t even want to upgrade it with anything. So unusual for me. Alessandro Powdery Pastel is very light cool purple (almost pastel lavender) shade. Application was easier than with yellow shade and not as easy as with gray one. 2 coats + top coat.
As I liked all 3 shades, I wanted to check out other 7 in this collection, but it’s still not available in Slovenia. Judging from promo photos, light peach shade could be interesting, maybe even one of the pink ones … now I have to go put on green nail polish just to get out of this pastel funk.
And of course I have to mention that the face behind the look is Slovenian model called Natalija Osolnik.
[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]See anything in this collection that needs to be yours? Or are you one of those saving all the pennies for Thermo Twist? [/box]
*I received items for review from Alessandro Slovenija
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
That yellow is so pretty!! :wub:
Mene pa k sreči noben ne pritegne. Pasteli in nasploh spomladanske kolekcije me redkokdaj zanimajo. Pa že tako ima Catrice preveč lepih novih odtenkov, me bo že tisto stalo cvenka. :wink:
Uh – jaz sem pa samo dala tele pastele dol in se že vrgla na nove. Letos je res čudno leto. :silly:
Pri Catrice obvezno pazi, da ne dobiš okvarjenega pokrovčka – očitno jih je kar veliko takšnih, kar je glavni razlog, da oklevam z nakupom novih odtenkov. :sigh:
Sem že brala o slabem pokrovčku, da … mene pa odvrača od novega nakupa nihanje pri kvaliteti čopičev. Bom prav pofotkala The Dark Knight čopič, metla, ne pa čopič. Potem pa perfekcija od čopiča pri Mint Me Up. Ne vem, v trgovini nikoli ne odpiram lakov za nohte in me tudi jezi, če vidim da katera to počne, zdaj pa ne vem, a bom morala začet to početi, ali pa pač upati, da ko ga doma odprem, da ima dober čopič. Vsaj še Petropolitan bi si privoščila, podobnih odtenkov imam že čisto preveč, ampak je takoooo lep s tistim shimmerjem. :stars:
Vsi zgledajo ful lepi!
Me že skrbi kaj bo, če bodo tudi ostali tako luštni. :biggrin:
Sunny glow RABIM v svojem življenju!
Naj ti polepša dan, tako kot ga je meni. :yes:
Siv in sivkin sta mi čudovita, ampak ker obožujem take odtenke imam že nekaj precej podobnega doma, si bom pa morala pobliže ogledati temno modrega :party:
Uh – moder in rdečko izgledata enkratno … ampak se bom probala ravno njima izognit, ker pastelov nimam veliko, modrih in rdečih pa na pretek. :nails:
Grey sparkle mi bas super i sofisticirano izgleda :w00t:
Meni je sad srce na mjestu – baš takvu sivu sam već dugo tražila. :w00t:
Ne marim za pastelne boje te ću ovu kolekciju preskočiti.
Dopada mi se novi izgled bloga.
Hvala. :rose: Moram napisati post o novitetima, ali sam si ovaj tjedan uzela za swatcheve in postove proizvoda, da malo dođem k sebi. :biggrin:
Sunny Glow is sooo pretty!
And application was not too terrible. :thumb: I was afraid it would suck as it’s pastel yellow. :fju:
Sunny Glow :wub: Love these kind of shades! the grey looks nice too.
don’t worry too much about loving pastels, we all suffer from the cold winter :nails:
Hopefully, sun came to your parts too – we’re enjoying our first week bathed in sunshine rays. :happy: