Let’s take a look at what are Catrice and Essence offering us as their spring looks. Catrice (the mature brand) decided to go with the Candy Shock limited edition, while Essence (something for younger crowd … and “us” ) will be presenting Floral Grunge.
Catrice Candy Shock
The Limited Edition “Candy Shock” by CATRICE whisks you away to a nostalgic funfair in April and May 2013. A bizarre world filled with fun and inspiration from international designers reflected in a pastel landscape of ballerina couture. Impressive layers of sheer tulle and over-sized round collars. Pointy metallic pumps. Dreamy yet ladylike.
Nail polishes (2,59 EUR): 2 cremes, 2 shimmer and 2 pearls (3,09 EUR – I only got photo of the white pearls). I know I won’t be buying neither of the pearls as hate anything 3D on my nails, but will check out other 4. Not my first choice of colors, but something my collection could use … and they are spring like shades.
As for highlighter (5,19 EUR), blush (4,69 EUR), eyeshadows (3,99 EUR), lip balm (4,19 EUR) and suggar lip peeling (3,09 EUR) – it all depends on how will they look like in real life. I tend to like their swirl blushes, but only if they’re not shimmery.
Essence Floral Grunge
opposites attract! the new essence trend edition “floral grunge” unites floral, feminine elements with cool grunge accents in april and may 2013. soft and intense colors, fine and rough textures, floral lace designs and edgy studs – playful hippy chic meets casual grunge style!
Nail polishes (1,99 EUR): I don’t really fell the black one, but others look appealing … especially as most of them have hidden shimmer I tend to like.
From the rest of this limited edition I was intrigued only by blush (2,69 EUR) and hair dye powder (3,29 EUR – wonder how that one works!). I must admit that I can hardly wait to see swatches of green lip gloss. Something that could be interesting to see … on others.
Uh – and maybe I would go for body tattoo (2,19 EUR).
I already made my WL. What will end up on yours?
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://www.parokeets.com/en/2013/04/essence-floral-grunge-le-nail-polishes/” target=”blank” ]Click for Floral Grunge LE review[/button]
*photos for collages courtesy of Catrice and Essence
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Že sestavljam nakupovalni seznam:
Essence: mint lak, koralni lak, mogoče še senčila v isti kombinaciji…
…mogoče še catrice blush, lip glos…
Že kar vidim, koliko bom zapravila za svari, ki jih v resnici sploh ne potrebujem…
Jaz vedno pravim, da stvar potrebujem, ker sem vsaj 1x že želela uporabiti nekaj podobnega, a nisem imela pri roki. :biggrin:
Zanima me, od kje informacija, da je catrice za bolj ‘zrele’? :D se mi zdi zelo čudno, sama nisem opazila. po mojem gre bolj za izgled kot kaj drugega..
Pod “zrela” ni mišljeno kot 50+ kozmetika, vendar pa je namenjena starejšim kot je Essence ciljna publika.
Če se ne motim, je bila takšna razdelitev celo na proizvajalčevi strani. Sem šla prav preverit, vendar več ne omenjajo ciljne skupina.
Mene je trenutna Catrice LE zelo očarala, pri tej pa me ne očara čisto nič, sem kar malo razočarana, ker so LE običajno dobre. Očitno bo moja denarnica počivala :)
Je Gisha še vedno aktualna LE?
Mislim, da jo moja denarnica ne bo odnesla tako dobro kot tvoja. :biggrin: Vsaj kakšen lak bo moj. :nails:
Ja, še vedno je neo geisha trenutna LE. Sem si tam nabavla kar vse lip and cheek colours in so super, čeprav jih imam raje na ustnicah kot na ličkih. :) Laki so tudi imeli super barve in moja denarnica je od takrat zlo žalostna. :) No, bosta pa zdaj moja in tvoja menjali vlogo ;)