Revlon – Lip Butters (review, swatches)

Oh, the Lip Butters … everyone loves the Revlon’s Lip Butters and people went nuts about these little babies over a year ago. Moisturizing lipsticks or colored lip balms. A revolution?!? I had to find out myself.

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait
Swatch: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Cupcake, Lollipop, Peach Parfait

I bought my first two Lip Butters over a year ago in the States. A lot of the shades were sold out at the moment, so I had a limited choice, but I just had to buy one or two. And so I bought Lollipop and Cupcake. You have to know that in the States the drugstores (where you can buy Revlon) do not have testers. So when I finally tested my lip butters at my hotel room I was disappointed, because I didn’t really like the colors that I’ve chosen. That was my first disappointment. Next one was … they migrate on the lips too much for my taste. Although they do feel very nice on the lips, I look like a clown after twenty minutes or so, because the colors migrate towards (and over) the edges of my lips. Not a pretty look. Yes, I could try them with a lip pencil underneath, but you know what? These are Lip Butters not lipsticks. These are supposed to be low maintenance or as they like to call them “lipsticks on the go; no mirror needed”. Yeah right! Not for me. For the tinted lip balms, these are too pigmented for my taste. Especially the darker shades. I just can not apply these without a mirror. You can tell I am not a fan of Lip Butters. Am I the only one???

Swatch: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Cupcake
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Cupcake
Swatch: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Lollipop
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Lollipop

So I put my two Lip Butters on the side, try to burry them somewhere in my make up stash. And because people didn’t stop raving about them, I tried them over and over again and I still didn’t like them. When they finally came to Slovenia, I tried the testers … and you know what I did? I bought two more. Am I crazy or what? Maybe … I bought the Peach Parfait and Sugar Frosting. I really wanted to know what the fuss was all about and why people loved them so much. And this time I was partially happy with what I bought. The glittery Peach Parfait was another disappointment. Again the color migrated to and over the edges of my lips and the glitter was just too big for my taste. But the Sugar Frosting was a complete surprise. I LOVE IT! It is such a nice and easy lip balm. And it gives a nice shine to the lips. It is not very noticeable on the lips but it just makes my lips prettier. And this one is indeed very low maintenance. Yay!

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting, Peach Parfait
Swatch: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Sugar Frosting
Swatch: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Peach Parfait
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter: Peach Parfait

Feeling on the lips:

If I forget about the shades, the glitter and the migration of the color. I do like the hydrating feeling on the lips. They are a bit sticky and thick to apply, but I feel like they cover my lips with a protective “film” and I like it. And because they are sticky, they do not fade or disappear quickly from the lips.

Color range:

I don’t think the color range (in Slovenia) is very good. I don’t know … I had a hard time to chose something suitable for myself. There are just too many glittery ones and the creamy ones are too pigmented for my taste. I know that a lot of people love them because of the pigmentation.


I have four of them and love only one of them, the other three I don’t even like. My main issue with them is that they migrate on my lips too much. In the matter of twenty minutes they are over the edges of my lips and I look like a clown. I think that for what they are (lip balms with color), they are too pigmented. And the glittery ones have a true glitter in them. The glitter is just too big for my taste. I love my Sugar Frosting. It is easy to apply, is not very pigmented and it just gives my lips a nice shine.

I am really curious what are your thoughts on the Lip Butters? Do you like them? Or is out there someone like me and think Lip Butter do not deserve such a hype?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Revlon – Lip Butters (review, swatches)”

  1. Too bad you didn’t like them. Sometimes I really like them and other times I feel like they aren’t worth it. Guess it depends on my mood

  2. Meni tudi niso preveč všeč, sicer si nisem še nobenega kupila, ker so mi že v trgovini izgledali preveč bleščičasti ali mi pa barva ni bila všeč. Glede na ceno, ki se prodaja pri nas si najbrž tudi ne bom nobenega kupila, imam raje balzam za ustnice ali pa lip gloss

  3. Zaenkrat imam samo enega, Sugar Frosting. Dobila sem ga zastonj od prijazne soforumašice in me je zelo navdušil. Presenečenje je bilo še toliko večje, ker načeloma res ne maram neopaznih šmink na ustnicah, Lip Butterji pa so mi zveneli kot malce obarvan vazelin. Pa je Sugar Frosting postal eden mojih najbolj uporabljanih izdelkov, za vsakdan je krasen. Potem sem šla seveda prečesavat blogsfero in brala ocene in seveda je bil hype enormen in sem prosila prijateljico iz ZDA, če mi enkrat pošlje še nekaj odtenkov, kadarkoli bo pač utegnila in če bo kje ujela kakšno ugodno ponudbo, ki so pogoste čez lužo. Tako da zaenkrat še nimam nobenega drugega odtenka, hype pa me je minil. Še zmeraj so mi šminke veliko ljubše in zdaj ko so mi Bourjoisove zlezle pod kožo (Rouge Edition so perfekcija), najdem med njimi tudi čudovite vsakodnevne odtenke. Če slučajno dobim kak paketek z Revlonovimi maslenčki, jih bom z veseljem preizkusila, me je pa tvoja ocena dobro pripravila ravno na stvar, ki jo najbolj sovražim – če izdelek za ustnice leze čez rob ustnic, ajajaj. Za ceno, ki je pri nas, jih pa nikdar ne bi nabavila, imam raje bolj pigmentirane, klasične šminke. In mimogrede, Lollipop ti krasno pristoji. :yes:

  4. Mene ne konsistenca ne barve niso prepričale. Ne razumem zakaj so tak hype. Imela sem 3 in vse podarila naprej.

  5. I love reading a review that doesn’t agree with every single review out there! It has happened to me to hate products that everyone else seems to love, everyone is so different it’s only logical. About the lip butters now, they are not available in Greece and even if they were, Revlon costs a fortune here! So I thought about eBay-ing them but they don’t seem to be my cup of tea, I prefer longlasting lipsticks and lip stains.

  6. Mene “bleščičasti” delčki niso prepričali, tako da do sedaj nisem kupila še niti enega. Na koncu sem ugotovila, da mi je tvoj Sugar Frosting še najbolj všeč, vendar ga očitno v trgovini nikoli nisem preizkusila, ker je na nalepki grozne pink barve, pa še frosting ima v imenu. :silly:

    Se pa veselim novih treh odtenkov, ker barve izgledajo meni pisane na kožo + očitno so šimer free. :lips:

  7. Nisem še prodana, definitivno. Vedno, ko se oglasim v Iliriji razmišljam o njih, in ga ponavadi že imam v roki ampak ga vrnem nazaj. Glede na razočaranje ob Maybelline popstick šminki se bojim tegale…


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