Revlon Charming nail polish + stamping

One of the questions I was asked few times over the almost 5 years since this blog exists was why don’t we write more about Revlon. Since this is one of the top drugstore brands in the world. My answer was always the same – Revlon in Slovenia got stuck in time. We got nothing new or it took years to change something on the stands … Than couple of years ago thing slowly started to change. First we finally got new nail polish shades and lately Revlon is getting more and more space on my WL. Too much actually, as worth of just “I really want” products is more than 100 EUR.

Revlon Charming nail polish
Revlon Charming nail polish

One thing that rarely fails are Revlon nail polishes so I gladly agreed to do the review of one of their shades. I would love to see some of the ColorStay range nail polishes in Europe as those rock, but regular ones are also very good. I chose Revlon Charming – pale lilac creme nail polish. Depending from light source, it can get slightly more warm or cool tone. Application – smooth, 2 coats for perfect look and as always I used top coat. Brush is more old fashion narrow one but is easy to manage. Charming may be more spring like shade, but I like to wear this kind of pale colors as stamping base thought the year. Normally I would prefer to do gradient of sort and then stamp but I was not it the mood for the long manicure session at the time this swatch was made … big belly and swollen fingers were in my way. :D I used one of the latest Essence stamping plates and Color Club Wild At Heart holo nail polish. Unfortunately Essence all over image was too short for my not really long nails.

Revlon Charming nail polish (swatch)
Revlon Charming nail polish (swatch)

Revlon Charming + Essence stamping plate
Revlon Charming + Essence IP + CC Wild At Heart

Price: 7 EUR for 14,7ml.

I do have “few” more of Revlon nail polishes on my wish list, but Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains and Lip Butters have higher priority.

Which Revlon product is your staple and you could not live without it … so I know what to put on my WL … like it’s not already too long. :D

*I received nail polish for review purposes from Revlon Slovenia

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Revlon Charming nail polish + stamping”

  1. Težko kaj priporočam ker Revlon ni ravno moja znamka. Sem preizkusila njihov puder in mi tako kot Karameli povzroča mozolje in je zato no go. Lip glossi mi neverjetno smrdijo, lip buttri se mi ne zdijo nič posebnega, balm staini pa so mi glede na ceno tudi predragi in imajo druge znamke podobne izdelke po nižji ceni. Glede lakov pa po resnici povedano nimam še nobenega, preprosto zato, ker že imam podobne odtenke od drugih znamk ostale barve mi pa niso nič posebnega.

    • Šmink ne uporabljaš? Meni so to verjetno eni njihovih boljših proizvodov. :lips:
      Katere znamke stainov so ti bile všeč? Do sedaj imam samo en Catrice lip balm stain.

  2. I currently have only one Revlon product on my Wishlist and that is from their new line, the one that’s scented. The bottles look so preeeeetty! :wub:

  3. Laki so mi OK, vendar bi si jaz osebno zelo želela v bi jih prodajali v manjši verziji (14ml je ogromno) predvsem zato ker se, vsaj pri tistih odtenkih ki jih imam sama, v 2 letih zgodi da se zgostijo, formula se začne plastit v glavnem lak zgubi na kvaliteti – sama zato na vsaki 2 leti kupim novo verzijo svojih odtenkov. Drugače pa uporabljam kar redno tudi njihov colorstay korektor. Lip Buttri niso naredili kakšnega posebnega vtisa name, 2 Colorburst šminki uporebljam kar redno že odkar sem jih kupila, Colorstay Suede mi niso všeč ker mi zategujejo ustnice in jih nenormalno izsušijo, imam tudi 2 Revlon Super Lustrous šminki (creme) po katerih tudi ne posežem prav pogoosto predvsem ker pri nas ni novih barv ki bi me bolj pritegnile. Balm staine imam 3 in so mi od vseh preizkušenih Revlonovi najbolj všeč.
    Puder colorstay je glede finiša in prekrivnosti super, ga pa na žalost ne morem uporabljati ker mi povzroča izbruhe mozoljev.

    Šele pri pisanju tega sem opazila koliko njihovih stvari uporabljam :)

    • A niso skoraj vsi ZDA brandi v huge stekleničkah? Zato se jaz ponavadi odločim za minije … ki pa so včasih res pravi miniji. :silly:

      Meni se zdi, da imam še največ izdelkov za ustnice, tako da sem si pribeležila, da moram še posebej natančno pregledati staine. :rose:

  4. Lip Butters so super! Jaz jih imam že pet, hehe. Balm Stain me pa ni preveč navdušil, ker mi je bil preveč tak voskast pa še minty vonj ima, ki meni osebno ni ravno najljubši.


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