Essence Superheroes holo and thermo nail polishes

Can you believe that I managed to stumble upon almost full stand of Essence Superheroes limited edition while buying diapers? :D I really liked the holographic and thermo effect nail polishes so I picked up those two.

Essence Superheroes

Essence Super, Man! holo effect is my favorite of the two. Easy application, strong silver base and lots of holographic glitter. What’s not to like? I have very limited time for swatches now and lot to tell/show you, so I’ll be doing more one and 2 nail swatches. Here is the comparison of 2 layers of Maybelline Colorama nail polish no. 49 (from my Impulsive shopping post) and Essence Super, Man! (thumb). I used 2 coats of top coat.

Essence Super Man vs Maybelline 49 holo nail polish
Essence Super Man (Superheroes LE) vs Maybelline 49 holo nail polish

Essence Fantastic Girl thermo effect nail polish is more sheer than Super, Man. It still has decent coverage, but my tips were slightly visible. As far as I could tell, top coat did not stop thermo effect from working as it should. Fantastic Girl is pink when hot and purple in lover temperatures. In reality it’s pink most of the time indoors, with purple tips when temperatures drop and more purple outside now that winter is nearing. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Fantastic Girl (Superheroes LE) - thermo nail polish - WARM
Essence Fantastic Girl (Superheroes LE) – thermo nail polish – WARM

Essence Fantastic Girl - thermo nail polish - COLD
Essence Fantastic Girl (Superheroes LE) – thermo nail polish – COLD

Photos are not the best for presenting effect nail polishes, so I made super short video just to show you holo sparkle and temperature changing in action.

Did I miss anything by not buying anything else from Essence Superheroes LE?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Essence Superheroes holo and thermo nail polishes”

  1. Če kdo kje vidi liquid gold, holo effekt in srebrne bleščice javite proosim :smell:
    Sem prepozno našla in sem super sad :-(
    Kupila sem pa pinki in modre bleščice, modre so naj naj z modrim
    sand effect lakom… Vse bi mela v glavnem…

  2. Zanima me, ali je termo lak v omejeni izdaji? Včeraj sem ga la iskat v ptujski Muller, ampak so me prodajalke tako čudno vse gledale, da sem se totalno zmedla. Češ, da pri Essence ne obstaja termo lak. V katerem mestu si ga pa ti kupila?

    • Jope – Superheroes je omejena izdaja, vendar naj bi DMi kmalu dobili to LE, tako da ni še vse izgubljeno. Jaz sem ga kupila v Müllerju v SN v Ljubljani.


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