Essie and Bourjois DM haul

Our DM drugstores had hot sale going on if you were lucky enough to receive their latest coupons in mail. I wasn’t among lucky ones, but my mom was (and she never buys cosmetics while I don’t have to explain how my shopping bag looks like after I visit DM stores ). The sale? 50% Essie nail polishes and you can buy 3 on one cupon.

I bought Licorice (on my EL for ages now), Decadent Dish and Forever Yummy.

Essie and Bourjois haul
Essie in Bourjois nakup

And what did my tired eyes spot on the way to the cashier? Bourjois Color Edition 24H cream to powder eyeshadows + 2 new shades of Color Boost jumbo lip pencils (both red ). I was eying them in Asos sale few days ago but resisted … no such lucky this time. :D

I guess we’ll be getting only 4 Bourjois Color Edition 24H eyeshadows in Slovenia: Prune Nocturne, Kaki Chéri (shade that I bought), Or Désiré and Merveille d`Argent. Not sure why they left out the pink one.

Color Boost lip pens are available in Red Island (in the photo) and I think second one is Plum Russian.

Who else was spending money on cosmetics today?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Essie and Bourjois DM haul”

  1. Tale Essie kuponček je tudi mene premamil :yes: . Kupila pa sem nadlak good to go (za starejš hčerko), podlak fill the gap (za mlajšo hčerko) in toggle to the top (za skupno rabo v prazničnem decembru :biggrin: ). Takole to gre, gejba, ko hčerke zrastejo :wink: .

  2. Super “ulov” :thumb:
    Jz sem pa cela užaljena, haha, ker nisem tega kupončka dobila…ampak je še dobro tako, se tolažim, itak je že gužva doma :biggrin:

  3. Za tale Essie popust se bo pa splačalo prekršit spending ban :drool: Sem se pa danes komaj uprla tem Bourjois senčkam :wink:

  4. Jaz sem tudi včeraj čekirala Bourjois zadevice, ampak ker sem bolj na kratkim z denarjem do konca meseca, sem preverila, če piše LE, pa ne :D tako da naslednji mesec kaj pade :)

  5. Jaz grem jutri v nabavo novih Essijev. Glede na to, da so redko tako znižani, se splača. :yes:
    Me pa zelo zanima tvoja ocena Bourjois senčila.

    • Itak, da imam gor že oba Bourjois izdelka. :blush: :biggrin: Senčka je bolj prosojna, ampak se jo da slojit. Obstojnost pa moram še malo testirat. Brez primerja na mastnih vekah očitno ne bo šlo … kako šokantno. :silly:


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