First of – this is limited edition eyeshadow, still available in Slovenia, but I’m not sure if it is still accessible to anyone. Just a quick word of warning so you don’t kill me after I tell you this is one of the best eyeshadows I have ever seen.
So what is it? Manhattan labeled it as long lasting with magical creamy texture. Guess what? This time label actually got it right. Shocker, right? :D

This baby is really hard to describe – it is pretty hard waxy texture, but with good pigmentation, slightly melts under body heat when you swirl finger in it. Not stick, not cream to powder … no idea what kind of of formula is this. Super easy to apply and layer if you wish to. The best part? It lasts for few hours on my super oily eyelids all on its own, and with primer … I have no idea as it’s alway there when I remove the make up.
There were/are 4 of eyeshadows in Manhattan Magic Up! LE, but I only loved Abrakadbrown – rich dark chocolate brown with kind of burgundish/purpleish(?) metallic sheen to it. Drop dead gorgeous eyeshadow with fantastic formula – can we pretty please with cherry on the top get these in regular line? Pretty, pretty please?
Swatch is not really good representation if this fantastic color. Pan photo is a lot more accurate.

Recite is hiding from me, but I think I paid 4-5 EUR for eyeshadow.
Were other cream eyeshadows from Magic Up! LE also good?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
K vragu mislim da sam nekad davno vidjela ova sjenila kod nas, ali sam ih preskocila :shock:
Meni se je samo ovo svidjelo u trgovini i stvarno sam sretna, da sam ga kupila. Sad se malo nećkam, da li slučajno trebam i pink varijantu. :biggrin:
for me is a dark shade, but it can work as brow powder very well
That is its main selling point to me .. smoky look without the effort. :biggrin:
wow, izgleda čudovito in ker imam tudi sama mastne veke, se res borim z iskanjem obstojnih senčk.. očitno bo za probati, če jo bom še kje dobila pri nas v MB… :whistle:
Držim pesti! Mastne veke in MU so čisto preveč ubijalska kombinacija. :roll: