Bourjois Kaki Cheri and Red Island

I must admit I usually adore Bourjois products and they’re definitively one of my favorite drugstore brands but this time I loved one product and did not like the other. Couple of days ago I bought Bourjois Color Edition 24h cream to powder eyeshadow in Kaki Cheri and Color Boost in Red Island. Well – at least I got one product right.

Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri
Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri

Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri products
Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri

Bourjois Color Boost in Red Island shade I loved. No but/if about this product. Great color, fantastic staying power, easy to apply, no patchiness … It does have little bit dryer texture after the glossy part wears off, but it’s nothing compared to my matte lipsticks. It does have slight perfume scent to it, but it disappears right away and has no taste which I will always endorse. It lasts hours on my lips – first as full on color and then slowly stars to fade … in a nice way. 

Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri
Bourjois: Red Island, Kaki Cheri

Now, Bourjois Color Edition 24H in Kaki Cheri does not cut it with me. Color is gorgeous green with gold shimmer … which is why I bought it in the first place. It’s not hard to apply with fingers, but it goes on sheer and you have to build it up to get coverage from the above swatch. That does not bother me, but fallout I do not like. I kind of hoped this would be “the it” eyeshadow I could wear without anything but the primer, but no such luck. Funnily it doesn’t really crease that much but I can’t stand fallout in my everyday eyeshadows and as this is cream to powder formula I can’t really see it as my secondary eyeshadow base either. Not bad product just not right for me. I will play with it more though and see if I can make it work as I LOVE the color.

I must be shopping too much lately as I can’t find half of my recites. If memory serves me right, both products were around 10 EUR.

Conclusion: I will definitively be buying more Color Boost lipsticks. So far I have 2 and I want moooore. 24H eyeshadows I will skip.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Bourjois Kaki Cheri and Red Island”

  1. Sem ravno včeraj gledala te od Bourjoisa senčila in me niso navdušila, premalo pigmentirana. Sem na koncu raje kupila še en Maybelline Color Tattoo, ki so mi res super pa še dolgo zdržijo:)

  2. Ravno včeraj sem skoraj kupila to senčilo, a sem ga na koncu iz košarice vrnila na stojalo, ker ni bilo testerjev, da bi ga preizkusila. Očitno sem se pravilno odločila. Barva je res krasna. Cena pa po moje med 7-8eur.

  3. Sem zadnjič v DM-u swatchala testerje in me formula in pigmentiranost nista preveč navdušili, potem pa sem si rekla, da počakam tvojo oceno in sedaj vidim, da je mogoče res boljše, da se teh senčil izogibam. Odtenek Color Boostapa je zelo lep. :yes:


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