Wow, it’s been literally months since my last post. There has been a lot going on in my life in the last year (and a half). I wanted to write a brief post just to let you all know why I’ve been more or less MIA in the past year.
First there was this insanely romantical proposal …
… followed by a fantastic bachelorette party in Belgrade with my closest and best friends (my beautiful maid of honor in the photo with me) …
… in April I became wife to my best friend and most loving husband in the world …
Link to our wedding video – Our Love Story
… and now there is this beautiful baby boy … my baby boy! He is 12 weeks old and I love him to death!
This is what is going on in my life and why there are no posts from my side. For now I just do not have time. I hope that in time I’ll find some time and post at least a couple of time a month. But we’ll see …
I hope you all are healthy and happy! And may the year 2014 be the best so far!
I know that planing a wedding can be very stressful and I when I was planing my wedding I totally relied on recommendation from friends etc. I wanted to take the opportunity and share some of my recommendations. People and services that I was completely satisfied with.
First of Agencija Sever and Barbara, who was extremely helpful. I can only recommend her services. Thank you Barbara!
Zaga Production – THE BEST wedding photographers and video makers out there! Very professional and hard working team of people! Zaga Production thank you for the best captured memories!
Zlatarstvo Gajšek – amazing jewelry makers. They made the perfect wedding rings for us! Our rings are not your traditional wedding bands. Far from that. They are not for everyone. They are black and white gold … I wanted a matching wedding ring to my engagement ring, since that one is black gold.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Wow! Congratulations! :D
Congrats Maestra, I’m so happy for you!! The wedding photos are so pretty, ypu look gorgeous!!
And these little fingers, oh my God!! :wub:
Iskrene čestitke, si imela pa res pestro leto in upam da bo to leto le še boljše
Iskrene čestitke, prekrasne fotke :wub: :thumb:
čestitke in srečno ;) :wave:
ok, opraštamo izostanak postova, imala si dobre razloge :thumb:
čestitam od sveg srca, uživaj sa svojim muškarcima :love:
Waw Maestra. Super slike in čestitke :)
divne fotografije, posebno ona s bebinom ručicom <3
sve čestitke od srca :)
Congratulations! :-)
Maestra, cestitam! :wub:
Wow, Maestra, čestitke! Me izredno veseli, da je povod za nič pisanja cel niz čudovitih dogodkov!! :yes: Super lep prispevek, hvala da si delila z nami zasebne trenutke. :) Se veselim novih prispevkov, ko boš imela čas zanje, seveda, hkrati pa želim tebi in tvoji mladi družinici vse vse najlepše. :ahug:
Čudovite slike in prelep video!
Želim vama vse lepo v zakonu in uživanje v družinskem življenju
Čestitke in vse lepo še naprej :)
Waaaa! Sem ful vesela za vaju, za vas! Čestitke, čestitke in še enkrat čestitke! :wub:
Kaj to zdej nek baby boom parokeetk? :biggrin:
Iskrene česetitke in obilo veselja! Upam, da te kljub obveznostim še kaj vidimo tudi na blogu :rose:
Kak lep video..
Prekrasna nevesta si bila!
Čestitke :))
Cestitke cestitke cestitke na svim poljima :yes: :wink: Fotke s vjencanja su prekrasne :drool:
Iskrene čestitke tudi z moje strani! Čudovita sta bila, čudovit video in res zelo lep spomin na ta dogodek <3 Veliko sreče v zakonu in družini :) res lepo od tebe, da ti to delila z nami!
Čestitke. Fotke so fenomenalne. Glede na to da ste zdaj mamice se lahko blog razširi tudi na uporabo idelkov za malčke :).
Krasno. Zelo lepo. Čestitke!
Čestitke!! Bila si res čudovita mlada. :)
Oh kako lepo, čestitke! Krasne fotke, čudovita si! :) x