So much is going on with new limited editions, out with the old and in with new products, whole new lines … that I was seriously overwhelmed with the information flowing into my email box. I can’t even tell you that I chose the most interesting things as I’m pretty sure I missed few of the yummy ones.
Ermmm – both ESSENCE LE’s stands are probably mostly empty by now, but I’ll mention them anyway. Essence Beach Cruisers is May edition with liquid sand finish nail polishes, waterproof mascara and liner, wet/dry eyeshadows and bronzer. Essence Viva Brasil is May/June trend edition though, so I guess we’ll have more luck finding this one … hence the preview photo. Luckily for me, I’m only digging the blush.
CATRICE is launching Le Grand Bleu limited edition is more to my liking than Essence ones – blue nail polishes in it so no shocker there. I also like highlighter and mat lip cream. And I’m pretty sure I’ll like eyeshadow pen in Black’s Pearl (light pink pearly color) too.
ALESSANDRO launched cute statement hand creams. They’re small enough (30ml) for a purse hand cream, not that expensive (~5,50 EUR) and great gift with either Be Happy, I Love You, Thank You or Good Luck messages printed on them.
DEBORAH has 16 new Gel Effect nail polishes for us. Not really sure how much difference is between last years version, but color look nice and I plan to try out at least one new color to judge for myself about longlasting, pigmented and shiny formula. As a bonus they added Plumping Effect top coat – for additional shine and longer lasting power.
Also new is their Extraordinary 5-in-1 Mascara: curly, longlasting, definition, volume and length. I had few of their mascaras and I’ll admit about being intrigued with the latest one.
Shiseido launched revamped make up with one product that caught my eye the most – Lacquer Glosses. They’re suppose to give you shine, color and moisture and I loved the texture as much as you can love it after you apply it on the hand in store.
I’m out of time for today so I have to wrap up this post. There are tone of new perfumes coming out, but those would require to write separate post. Anyone even interested?
Which interestonh new LE’s did you spot lately or know they’ll be coming your way?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
A fragrance post, count me in.
AAAA Shiseido!
Mhm. :wub:
Uh Catrice in Alessandro, definitivno! Ne bi se branila kake kremice in kateregakoli izmed modrih odtenkov na fotki. Sem pa malček razočarana nad Essence LE zadnje čase – noben odtenek lakov me ne pritegne :roll: . Mi je vsaj denarnica hvaležna :wink:
Catrice je tudi pri meni prevzel vodstvo pred Essence. Enostavno imajo bolj zanimive LE. Ampak top podlak je pa še vedno od Essence. :biggrin: