I wanted to finish up my make-up with deep purple lipstick and couldn’t find single one in my lipstick organizer. Where in the world did they all disappear to?!? After searching all around the apartment I had epiphany. My purse! All 5 of my favourite autumn lipsticks were hiding in one or another compartment. To make matters worse, I found 6 more lip items in black hole also known as purse. No wonder my purse is so heavy. :D
As I had all of my most used dark purple shades on my desk, it was perfect time to tell you more about them.
Bourjois Plum Russian
Plum Russian is part of Bourjois Color Boost line and is the least pigmented one in the bunch. It doesn’t really dry out my lips, gives a soft sheen for a while and is stain formula. Fast to apply and comfortable to wear.
Revlon Parisian Passion
Revlon Colorstay Moisture Stains can be hit or miss. Lighter formulas are not necessarily true stains, but darker shades are wonderful. I swatched all available shades in store, but the Parisian Passion was one colour that completely drew me in. Little bit on cooler purple side, non drying and with slightly sticky formula. After you apply Moisture stains, they last as normal thicker pigmented lip gloss and are similar in structure. But after glossiness wears of, you are left with long lasting stain. If fact, it can be so long lasting that I resorted to oil removing method.
Manhattan Mystic Midnight
Manhattan Lip Lacquers are direct dupe for Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquers. I don’t think I ever posted comparison video on the blog, so here it is … with swatch of Mystic Midnight swach. :D
Mystic Midnight is more warm toned than previous lip products. This is one of my dearest colours in the whole lip collection – rich, dark, mix of red and purple, heavy stain.
L’Oreal Laetitia
I already raved about whole L’Oreal Pure reds (click here) line, but I simply have to revisit my darling Laetitia. First of 2 best purple matte lipsticks I own. Laetitia is lighter and more to the reddish side than Mystic Midnight but otherwise they belong to the similar colour family. Not as good for whiter teeth as other from this post, but perfect for that sensual but still ladylike feel.
Illamasqua Shard
True matte formula, deep and rich cool purple colour from Illamasqua The Sacred Hour collection will be slowly retiring. It’s expiration date is here and I’m slowly beginning to look for a replacement.
From one purple lipstick lover to other – which one do you suggest as absolute must have?

Prvi dve šminki tudi mene redno spremljata, Laetitio pa moram še dobit! :)
Najpogosteje uporabljam Revlon Balm Stain odtenek Crush, Loreal Letitio za posebne priložnosti ter MAC Plumful za katero mi je žal samo to da spada v Lustre linije kar pomeni d ani najbolj obstojna.
Sami prekrasni odtenki. Nimam pa nobene. (SE) :lips: :haha:
V točno ta Revlon odtenek sem se zaljubila, potem pa ga nisem kupila. Pride pa še na vrsto, enkrat. Pa Ilamasqua šminka, kako je krasna. :w00t:
Full je lepa. Zakaj ni mogla še to jesen zdržat? :silly:
Je Ana ravno priporočila MUF šminko kot super zamenjavo. Po moje grem že jutri v šoping. :zip: