For a while now L’Oreal Pure Reds dominated on my social media platforms. I adore my 2 beauties from this line, but never seem to take time to write a post about them. So I decided to write one about 3 of my current favorite L’Oreal lipsticks all from Color Riche line – Pure Red Laetitia and Blake + Nude Eva.
Packaging look similar in both lines, with little difference – Pure Reds have slightly textured casing which I find to have better grip than Nude Eva. And it it prettier. Black packaging with gold L’Oreal engraving looks sleek and mimics higher end lipsticks, but the weight is dead giveaway that it is not HE product. Not really something that would bother me – as long as there is good product inside and packaging survives obstacle course called Gejba’s purse, I’m satisfied.
As far as I can tell, there are 7 “red” lipsticks in Pure Red line. But each country chose 4-5 shades (I’m talking about smaller ones, not USA&co). I really wish all of them were available in Slovenia, as I simply adore this line.
Both Pure Reds shades are long-lasting, pigmented and easy to apply. They’re mat but rather cream than chalky mat. Drying? If my lips are in good condition, then I don’t really have issues with this formula, but if they’re dehydrated and damaged, then both Pure Reds lipsticks will add to the problem. If I could, I would change only one thing – smell. I’m not huge fan of those “grandma lipstick” scents so I would switch it with something more nose friendly. But it does evaporate pretty fast, so I wouldn’t give them less points for it.
It is always hard to talk about fading when you have such a strong stains. After 6 hour wear lipstick is still very visible, but “creaminess” goes away few hours after application. I never managed to wear it longer as my little one finds mommy’s red lips funny and wants to wipe lipstick off.

L’Oreal Laetitia (Pure Red): cool red-purple. Very dark shade that I would never buy if I just saw it in lipstick bullet. But I am very satisfied with my first Pure Reds lipstick. I decided that it looks hot on me and brings much needed color and life. I usually rub in first layer and then apply “real one” which leaves me with gorgeous deep well, almost purple shade.
L’Oreal Blake (Pure Red): classic red cool toned red for whiter teeth. :D Not too cool of a shade that majority of us lipstick lovers wouldn’t like.
L’Oreal Eva (Nude): to be perfectly honest, this wasn’t even on my WL (red one was). But as I stood in front of L’Oreal stand determined that I would not buy another red lipstick, but rather something from Color Riche Nude line, Eve was the shade that drew me in the most. It has slightly pearl finish to it, which I normally hate, but it works in this combination. It doesn’t drastically alter my lip color, but it gives them little bit of shine and peachy sheen. No glitter, just slight light reflection. Eva feels comfortable on lips, doesn’t have slippery feel to it. Not long lasting, but it fades away slowly.
Price: around 13 EUR. Not cheap for drugstore price range, but I think they’re worth it.
And I have bonus photo for you – L’Oreal Laetitia nail polish. I was impressed by my latest L’Oreal nail polishes, but unfortunately Laetitia does not fall into that category. This turned out to be average nail polish that barely made it to the day 2. I still love the shade, but formula did not work well with my nails. 2 layers + top coat.

Which Pure Reds and which Nude lipstick is your favorite? Do you have any of the “missing” ones on your WL? Pure Red Eva is still on mine.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
O lej jo, končno si spisala ta post :D.
Res so krasne te šminkice.. :wub:
Po štirih mesecih, je le ratalo. :biggrin:
I lost my Blake lipstick :( Need to get another one cause it’s pure gorgeousness! Laetitia nail polish was okay but I wasn’t that thrilled to be honest. Maybe because I already have something similar which is much better like Anny or Deborah Milano. These two have amazing shades and are better when it comes to quality and lasting power on my nails :)
Love that nude lippie. I think its so perfect for my lips for I find it just natural.
Laetita in Blake, me gusta :D
Boga Eva, je odpadla. :biggrin:
Meni tako od nude kot od rdečih odtenkov jenajljubši je Julianne’s, ki mi zaradi tena še najbolj pristoji. Imam tudi zgoraj omenjena rdeča vednar jih mnaj uporabljam. Tudi meni te šminke zelo ustrezajo malce me moti edino cena, ki se mi zdi kar visoka. Tudi meni se zdi škoda da nimamo celotne ponudbe.
Ta je moj naslednji na WL. Nisem čisto prepričana, če se bo lepo ujel z mojo poltjo, ampak je leeep. :wub:
U prenova, všečno :wub: Mene močno mika Laetitia’s red, ampak mam res toliko šmink, da je ne morem upravičiti :whistle:
Hvala. Je sicer še v teku, ampak kmalu bomo zaključili. :w00t:
Pohvalna volja … moja kopni ob pogledu na ostale odtenke. :silly: