Alessandro Sunday Rose (spring 2015)

First flowers and spring editions are my  favorite things this time of year. They both signal that spring is about to begin and with it my favorite season of the year.

Alessandro is pursuing fall-winter trend with majority of solid colors + glittery topper. They named their spring 2015 edition Sunday Rose. With little bonus – peach, mint and coral shade available in regular and Striplac version.

Alessandro spring 2015 promo

I received for testing 2 of my favorite nail polishes from this line: mint nail polish and topper. Alessandro Pastel Mint is one of those typical blue-green chameleons – sometimes little bit more to the green and other times more to the blue side. And as it is pastel shade, it is very light color. Luckily for us, it is not as hard to apply as some pastel shades. Two coats are a must, but second one evens out manicure nicely.

Alessandro Pastel Mint (Sunday Rose)

Alessandro Euphoria is top coat loaded with glitter and shimmer particles. It is so “strong” that I opted to slightly sponge it over Pastel Mint as I wanted to keep mint shade in focus. This way Euphoria highlighted beauty of mint nail polish instead of stealing the glory.

Alessandro Pastel Mint, Euphoria (Sunday Rose) swatchPrice: 5,50 EUR for 5ml (0,17 fl.oz.)

Our last Bday giveaway will have 2 spotlights – hand care and Alessandro. They are very generously donating few of their most interesting products for a prize. MY favorite of this bunch would be Gel look top coat which is my latest obsession and oil with roller I use for protecting my skin before doing nail art (clean up is fast and efficient this way). Serum, hand cream and other goodies are only cherries on the top. Dear Alessandro, thank you for fantastic gift!

P.S. Giveaway is international, but prize does not include nail polishes as shipping those is getting to be a nightmare. Sorry, nothing I can do about that.

To enter, please write in the comments which Alessandro product is you favorite + enter your data in bellow application.

Alessandro giveaway feb 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

54 thoughts on “Alessandro Sunday Rose (spring 2015)”

  1. Pred leti sem imela en lakec njihov tak lep nude odtenek, mini verzijo in sem ga ful rada uporabljala, potem pa dolgo nič, načeloma ne kupujem te znamke ker mi je malo bolj na dražjo stran…

  2. Sicer njihovih barvnih lakov za nohte še nisem sprobala, sem pa dolgo časa upoarbljala Biotin Nail Hardener in mi je bil precej všeč, ker so moji nohti bili kar zdravi.

  3. Najraje sem imela njihov Pro White Polish, dokler nisem videla zgornje fotke, sem iskreno mislila, da ga ne prodajajo več!

    Sicer so pa vsi lakci super kakovostni, sploh glede na ceno.

  4. Spomnim se da sem imela par let nazaj pa prej še v času osnovne šole nek set za francosko manikuro in sem bila obsedena z njim :D Trenutno pa imam samo en njihov lakec ampak upam na še kakšnega :D

  5. Alessandro lakci so mi zeloo všeč in mislim, da so s tole pomladno kolekcijo pritegnili nemalokatero njihovo oboževalko :wub: :wink:

  6. Lakci za nohte kar vsi po vrsti, ki sem jih preizkusila, zelo všeč mi je bil tudi Top Coat iz njihove zbirke in pa manikirna kristalna pilica se je tudi zelo dolgo in lepo obnesla.

  7. Moj najljubši Alessandro izdelek mora biti en in edini lak, ki ga imam od te znamke. Na njem ni nobenega imena ali številke, tako da ga nikakor ne morem najti na spletu. Je pa nežno bež/peščene barve z zlatim šimrom, ki se čudovito blešči na soncu. Meni osebno izgleda kot puščavski pesek obsijan s soncem

  8. Meni pa je še zdaj njihov naljubši izdelek Pro White Effect Polish. Niti ne vem, če to še vedno prodajajo. Nohte naredi super bele. Sploh odlično za takrat, ko nočen barvnih lakov. Namažem to in so moji nohti kot sveži:). Super giveaway. Olje mi je še posebej všeč:).

  9. Obsedena sem bila z njihovo Chocolate & Caramel kremo za roke, sem imela dve samo je bila na žalost omejena izdaja :shock:
    Hvala za super giveaway <3

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