Brlogarka is spoiling us again

Every time I see new product from Brlogarka I feel I should just hand her my paycheck and be done with it. :D Cute miniatures are fantastic and thoughtful gift, but I must admit her jewelry is my weak spot. But which collection to choose, which color … I hear it all the time that I should pick something that goes with my clothes, but I’m such an eclectic person, I buy what I like and then try to combine everything … I know, I know the stupidest possible way to shop.

ARKTIKA is the latest collection. Snow, ice, snowflakes … everything that we’re told to expect this weekend.

The thing that looks pretties to me is twin of my Amazonija necklace but with snowflake on icy base. Now if I wore earrings then it would be close call who is the winner of this collection.

Brlogarka Arktika necklace

2) ROYALS is probably THE collection for me. Shiny designs for evening and matte metallic for day. And I just know it that my mom will love earrings from Royals collection. One thing I would add to is necklace from shiny earrings. Can you imagine central piece falling into the décolletage?

Brlogarka Royals earrings

3) AMAZONIJA is still my all time favorite though. I can’t even imagine something kicking it from the throne. My necklace definitively need sister bracelet otherwise she’ll be too lonely.

Brlogarka Amazonija earrings[divider]

Part about spoiling us? As you were as in love in Amazonija as I am, Brlogarka is this time giving away to one of our readers earrings (version of the ones in above photo). You’re so lucky I don’t have pierced ears anymore. :D

You have to apply in bellow application to enter. Only mandatory step is commenting and telling me which collection do you like the most – 1, 2, or 3.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

31 thoughts on “Brlogarka is spoiling us again”

  1. Ob kolekciji Royals se mi še vedno najbolj zavetijo oči, zato je to moja favoritka. Čeprav bi pozimi pa najraje nosila Arktiko. Res so vse kolekcije čudovite!

  2. Zimska kolekcija mi trenutno najbolj “sede” :). Renato spremljam že veliko časa in se strinjam, da ima čudovite izdelke, z veliko detajli. :wink:

  3. Renata raztura. Jaz imam kar nekaj njenih kosov in vsi so naravnost čudoviti. Težko bi se odločila za najljubšega ampak mislim, da je med najvišje uvrščenimi ravno Amazonija.

  4. Meni je najbolj všeč amazonija. Kačji pastirji so tako luškani, da bi jih ful rada imela :wink:
    Mogoče bom pa tokrat končno imela srečo :yes:

  5. Iiiii, sem ravno zadnjič gledala te uhane s kačjim pastirjem. Čudoviti so! Amazonija zmaga za mene! :)

  6. Ker še upam na nekaj ledene zime, ker res super dene mojemu organizmu, mi je trenutno najbolj všeč prva arktična/polarna/medvedova kolekcija … Da bi še leden okrasek dobro del moji pojavi. Ker se pa vseeno bližajo topleši dnevi in je vreme nasploh ekstra spremenljivo, je v končni fazi itak popoln vsakršen kos nakita, sploh če je to blogarkin!

  7. Najbolj mi je všeč prva kolekcija, bo pa tretja zdaj bolj uporabna, glede na to, da naj bib ilo počasi konec zime :roll:

  8. Najbolj sta mi všel prva in tretja kolekcija, ampak se trenutno že bolj nagibam k 3, ker je bolj pomladansko/poletno obarvana.. no lahko bi bila idealna tudi za jesen… v glavnem , tile uhani so božanski :)

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