Brlogarka is Slovenian artist I have known for a long time now. First item I bought from her were this cute mini cakes and pies as key-chains. Everybody I gave them to as a gift absolutely loved them, not to mention that was years ago and they’re still in one piece. There is one issue though – I always crave sweets when I see that key-chain. And those were her beginnings, now she is even better, with refined technique, but her creativity is still there and still shines bright.
Few months ago I decided to completely revamp my jewelry collection (and scarves one too). I gained lots of weight in last 3-4 years, so none of my old necklaces fits well and they’re my main adornments if I don’t count bracelets. Not to mention that my style completely changed. I browsed the stores, bought few items but I was just not satisfied. In the end, she was my last hope.
Two of her necklaces found home in my collection and they come from my 2 favorite collections too – Amazonija and Himalaja. I do love Amazonija with her dragonflies the best though. Let’s be honest – don’t you feel the need to admire those tiny dragonfly on wooden surface and own at least one? My necklace unfortunately comes without little friend, but it was dragonfly vs. longer chain and chain won.

Himalaja was made upon my wishes – round black and white crackles. It took me weeks to finally decide on the combination and shape, but I’m extremely satisfied with it. It sits beautifully and Nati made me longer chain so I can play with the length. My plan was to order one more necklaces – either black and turquoise Himalaja necklace or Amazonija one with dragonfly, but Brlogarka aka Nati completely blew me away with her new collection which is perfect for December parties!

It’s finally December Parokeets blog will host bunch of giveaways for you with items I see as perfect gifts! First one is polymer clay jewelry by Brlogarka. Brlogarka, Maestra and I decided upon ring and earrings from Himalaja collection. Cute set for you or for one of your loved ones.
You can apply in bellow application. Only mandatory step is to answer in comment which is your piece of jewelery from Brlogarka’s FB album would you like to see the most under your Christmas tree.
Other entries are not mandatory, but will increase your chances of wining this beautiful set. Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL!
* I got items as a gift .. and what a beautiful gift it is
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :nails:
Brlogarka Himalaja necklace – black and white combo, saj obožujem nakit v B&W kombinacijah.
I like this ring:
I really like this bracelet and earrings!
love them:
Krasne kreacije, niti ene se ne bi branila :wub: Mi je pa Amazonija ogrlica res strašno všeč!
Najlepša si mi zdi Himalaja in sicer v modri barvi <3 :w00t:
Amazonija all the way!
Katerikoli izdelek iz kolekcije Amazonija – ta kolekcija je res tako unikatna in posebna, da se jo kar ne morem nagledat. In pa izdelki iz kolekcije Royals- idealni za praznični december. :)
Uff, imam že kar nekaj Renatinih umetnin. Kot ljubiteljica malih uhančkov, bi si zdaj želela pod smrečico še njene zvezdice .
Ulalala, lepe stvari izdeluje. V oči so mi padli prstančki iz Toskana kolekcije in Himalalaja prstan je tudi čudovit
res zelo lep nakit :) Najbolj so mi všeč uhani :)
Res noro lepi nakit! Na mojo dušo narejena pa je kolekcija Amazonija!
Kakšnih uhančkov se ne bi odrekla.
Pohvalno – zelo dobrodošel prispevek.
Najviše mi se sviđa ovaj prsten: :yes:
Najbolj bi bila vesela verižice: Himalaja turkizno-črna ogrlica :) so mi pa vsi izdelki zelo všeč, so tako posebni :)
Nakita iz kolekcij Tortuga ali pa Royals se sploh ne bi branila, prekrasno. :w00t:
ohhh those earrings are amazing :D
amazonia ogrlica. :wub:
Fuuuuuuuul bi bila vesela kakšnih luštkanih uhančkov. :yes:
Uhančki. Manjši. Je pa popolnoma vseeno, katera kolekcija je, ker so vsi krasni. ;) :yes:
Amazonia ogrlica je res lepa :)
Kakšnega prstančka se res ne bi branila, mi je všeč tisti Valentinov prstan z rdečimi piksli ali pa Himalaja prstan :wub:
Amazonia ogrlica je čudovita, prav tako uhančki iz kolekcije Royals :)
Himalaja ali Toskana, se ne morem odločit :)
Definitivno katerikoli izdelek iz kolekcije Royals ali pa medaljon iz kolekcije Himalaja :)
Tisti mali kruhki, pa piškotki, pa jabolčka, pa … :drool: Sploh pa Royals. Pišem Miklavžu in dedku Mrazu :angel:
Najbolj so me očarale Himalaja in Toskana. Nori vzorci, nore barve – res super! Kateri koli izdelek bi bil super darilo.
Razveselila pa bi se tudi uhanov z kačjimi pastirji, najraje imam preproste motive :yes:
Vse kolekcije so top! Zadnja Royals pa je vsekakor najbolj primerna za obdaritev pod jelko ;)
Menije všeč verizica Himalaja čudovito izgleda in bi se jezelo razveselila.