So far I own 5 Sally Hansen nail polishes all from their “complete Salon manicure” line. I buy them in Austria as they’re not available in Slovenia. Price is not too bad, but not cheap either – majority of the shades are around 9 EUR (14,7 ml). Main thing I like about these nail polishes is their easy to use formula and wide brush. These 2 things give me quick manicure without much fuss. Of course it helps that their colors are beautiful.
I already swatched/wore 3 of the bought nail polishes and thought it is time I show them to you even if I won’t be writing full on review. You tell me that photos are better than nothing. :D
Shoot The Moon (677)
Pink Slip (170)
Rule of Plum (709)
Frutti Petutie (540)
Group photo
None of the nail polishes I have if full coverage one after on coat – pink one comes closest to that goal. I always apply 2 coats and top coat.
I’ll add swatch of Himalaya after I wear it, but it seems as beige version of Pink slip. If time permits, I’ll be adding the least general description for each nail polish. Until then – which shade do you like the most from Sally Hansen?