One of my favorite products from Catrice fall 2014 products was their Nude Illusion liquid foundation. This is not really universal foundation as it is still mattifying, but I like it because it still gives some radiance to the skin. This foundation doesn’t really look hot on me in a close up, but then again, who will ever look at me with magnifying glass? :D From normal distance my skin looks polished and I don’t sneeze at the fact that it photographs well.
I mostly left matte foundation behind me as they just don’t give me the look I’m searching for. But this one was one of those rare ones I still reach for. It gives me middle to high coverage depending on the amount, tool of application and layering. By far favorite way to apply Nude Illusion liquid foundation is Beauty blender and its dupes. They tend to bring radiance I sometimes struggle with brush application. I usually end up with middle coverage – pretty much everything is covered except larger imperfections.
Color selection is not perfect, but still good for drugstore price range. I have 3 lightest shades and only the lightest (010) works for me. As even 010 oxidizes on me it would be off shade if I didn’t have “ups” moment in summer and am still sporting noticeable amount of tan on my neck.
030 is obliviously darker than 010 and 020. I would say the jump to the dark side is way to steep. 010 is more beige neutral toned foundation, but oxidizes on me to darker and more yellowish color spectrum. 020 has more peachy and pinkish tones to it, but as it is darker and this one too oxidizes on me it becomes slightly orange toned.
Formula is not liquidy but not too thick either. I had no issues with it. I did love the fact that smell is not overpowering and there were no unwanted reactions to the foundation. Staying power is good on me – but it varies depending of the base I use. Silicon primer will naturally do better job than no base at all. But is lasts at least 5 hours without setting powder or base, which I count as good result for liquid foundation.
Packaging is glass bottle with pump … one that works without the hitch.
For me, this foundation is great drugstore find that I’ll be mainly using in spring and beginning of summer. In winter my skin is too dry to reach for matiffying foundation as I can’t find moisturizer that works for me. Interestingly enough, not even in January do I have issues with foundation sticking to dry areas . I tried other similar foundations and problems is visible but not with this one … I have no clue why.
Price: 7,7 EUR for 30ml (1.01 fl.oz.)
What kind of birthday giveaway series would this be without one of my favorite drugstore brands. Rules are same old. You must apply in the Rafflecopter app below. Only mandatory step is answering in the comments – which of the discontinued Catrice/Essence products would you liked to see returned?
*some products I received for review purposes
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Essence gel liner
I would love to see the Essence Mattifying Compact Powder #07 return again! So, so miss it!
Catrice Matt senčke. Imam doma “Bright” senčke, so super.
Essence transparent matte powder, ali u prahu, ne volim ovaj u kamenu
Essence gel liner in Essence powder mousse…
Mogoče tele Effect eyeshadows od Essence, ki so super kvalitetne. Sem hotela zadnjič še en odtenek, pa je bil ravno tisti razprodan, zdaj pa se ga ne bo več dalo dobiti. :/ Ampak upamo na enako kvalitetne novosti! :yes:
Spet bi rada videla na policah gel linijo, morda prenovljeno formulo, da ne bi bila lih peel off varianta.
Btw, wow je enih giveawayev na blogu ;). :wub:
Noben izdelek ni bil ravno tak, da bi ga zares strašno pogrešala. Mogoče kak LE izdelek, katerega bi si želela v stalnem sortimentu ampak naj bo!:) Pridejo tudi boljši izdelki :)
Definitely Catrice nail polish! :-) thanks for this lovely giveaway ♥
Essence Get big lashes! mascara (the silver one) :cry:
Essence powder mousse :w00t:
Super bi bilo spet imeti gel tints od Essence, so mi potem postali všeč ko jih ni bilo več za kupit… :S
Essence Lash Mania Mascara was amazing…
Huh, kar nekaj je tistih izdelkov, ki sem jih pogrešila.. Precej jih je iz LE, predvsem laki za nohte :yes: Sicer pa pri Essence pogrešam lip glosse v tubi (bili so z okusi jagode, manga in kokosa mislim da – reklo se jim je glossy lipbalm), podlak Nail art protecting base coat.. Pri Catrice bi pa ponovno rada videla lak za nohte Miss piggy reloaded :wink:
Lash Mania Mascara :yes:
lak 1000 miles away :yes:
Niti ne pogrešam prav posebno kakšnega izdelka, čeprav kupujem kozmetiko Essence, občasno tudi Catrice. Vedno pridejo novi, bolj trendi in boljši izdelki. :wub:
nude nail polish
Nakbolj pogrešam stare Essence minije. Stare stekleničke so mi bile veliko bolj simpatične za skladiščenje kot pa nove :yes:
Pogrešala bom Essence powder mousse :scared:
Catrice paletka :/ bo treba kakšno za rezervo kupit ;)
I liked the old version of Essence Lash Mania Mascara an i would like to be returned.
Mi je žal za marsikateri LE izdelek (Essence in Catrice), ki me je prepričal, če mi ga je le uspelo dobiti. Sem pa ravno videla, da Catrice ukinja tudi Photofinish tekoči puder, škoda :sigh: .
I have really missed Essence powder mousse!
I never used essence before, but I’d like to try!
Catrice Infinite Mat
essence i love extreme pink mascara
has it been discontinued?It’s one of my faves!
Nobenih prav ne pogresam, mi je bilo pa malo skoda, ko nisem pravocasno kupila Matt paletke od Catrice~
Meni se zdi najbolj škoda, da bodo umaknili tudi Icy fairy, ker je res eden lepših nadlakov.
Catrice nail polish- Call me Princess :wub:
the I Love Rock gloss eye pencil!
Catrice Prime and Fine translucent loose powder kod nas nije više u prodaji…. :sigh:
Mislim da mi ne nedostaju ukinjeni Catrice/Essence proizvodi jer si napravim zalihu ili dođu novi, bolji proizvodi. :yes:
Jaz bo pogrešala od Catrice puder Photo finish, ki je mislim, da še v prodaji, vendar ga bodo menda ukinili :/
Nisem bila na nobenega posebej navezana tako da nimam nobene posebne želje :)
Jaz bom pogrešala od Catrice puder Photo finish..sicer je mislim, da zaenkrat še v prodaji, bi ga pa naj ukinili.
Hello et merci; joli concours!!!
the I Love Rock gloss eye pencil!!!!!!!! :ccc:
Jaz ne pogrešam nič, je pa res da sem bolj za Essence kot Catrice. Mogoče pogrešam Essence Mat glosse ki so noro obstojni. Ampak jih imam na zalogi :D
Bi pa z veseljem poizkusila tole podlago v številki 020, mislim da bi mi bila za poletje ravno prav.
Od Catrice ne kupujem prav veliko :( Od essenca pa iz njihove strani (pri nas še ni znižano namreč) mi je zelo žal glede color&go ker so mi super po formuli in čopiču, upam da bodo novi tudi tak dobri. :yes:
Ne pogresam nicesar, se vedno najde zamenjava. :)
Nail polish nude
Od ukinjenih izdelkov ne pogrešam nobenega, če pa je že kakšen tak si pa vedno naredim zalogo. Ponavadi so linije, ki pridejo ven še boljše tako, da sploh ni problema. :yes:
Drugače pa super giveaway. :wave: :wave:
Ubistvu zaenkrat ne pogrešam ničesar, saj so vedno ven dali boljši nadomestek :)
Evoga. Sodelujem v giveawayju.:3 ki je supermimgorede. : :thumb:
spremljam in berem vas itak vedno, izmed ukinjenih prozvodov pa bom najbolj pogrešala Catrice paletko :/ vse njihove palete so top, škoda ker ene ukinejo. :/
Super post.
xoxo :wave:
Odličen post in še boljši giveaway! :)
Zelo pogresam Catrice puder infinite mat. Na sreco imam enega na zalogi,a ne bo zdrzal vecno.
najraje bi spet vidla te Essence Effect senčke, ker so ful lepe ampak bojo očitno vse dali iz prodaje :S
Hey, nude! nail polish
I really liked the peel-off nail polish basecoat. I assume it was discontinued because I can’t find it anywhere anymore.
Catrice in Essence imata zelo dobre izdelke Sicer laki z bleščicami povzročajo težave pri odstranjevanju….Tale puder od Catrice je zelo dober in pogrešam vse izdelke ki se s časoma umaknejo iz prodaje.
We dont have catrice in serbia (eh :( ), so I can comment only about essence products :) I still miss the most gel liners, I really hope they will get it back, it was awesome (still using it and loving it)..There were some of those as part of LE, but not as good as originals :(
The Essence product that I’d love to see returned is the I Love Rock gloss eye pencil, it was super black and so easy to blend!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway, I love Essence and Catrice products!
Meni je žal da gre iz prodaje Catricov debelušček v odtenku Go flamingo go, ker je noro lep za poletni čas – ampak ga imam zdaj na zalogi :)
Meni je tudi žal za Essencov gel liner, ker je bil fantastičen. Zelo obstojen. Pa tudi njihova prva verzija mat lip creamov je bila zanimiva:). Jaz bi še kakšen svetlejši odtenek pri Nude Illusion, čeprav res ni slab puder. Pa tak zanimiv finiš ima:).
Hmm, od starejših produktov ne vem, vem pa da mi je zdaj žal, da odhaja catrice photo finish podlaga, ki sem jo komaj odkrila :( pa tut za essence šminko wear berries in catrice luxury laquires million briliances mi je ful žal … laki so na sploh ful lepi, samo odstranjevanje je šit :( upam, da bodo novi izdelki tut tak dobri :)
Sama bi se najbolj razveselila gel linerjev od Essence, ker jih nikoli nisem uspela preizkusiti. :)
Tudi sama obožujem ta puder od Catrice, ne zamenjam ga.
Super giveaway, mimogrede. :) :thumb: