Shop my stash: Jessica – Sherbet (NOTD)

I will be completely honest with you. After giving birth to my beautiful baby boy, I have neglected my huge stash of nail polishes and I neglected my nails as well. There were months where my nails were naked all the time. I just couldn’t be bothered. And that was two years ago! A while ago it just hit me that it was about time to browse through all those drawers and look at the beautiful bottled and colors again. And so I did. There were a lot of “Aw!” and “Ow!” moments and I was just happy. I remembered that I could write a “Shop my stash” post.

Today I have Jessica – Sherbet to show you. Beautiful in every aspect. Even for a non pink lover as myself. Dusty rose shade with tons of gold shimmer. The application was easy. There are two coats shown in the photo.
Jessica - Sherbet 390 Jessica - Sherbet 390 Jessica - Sherbet 390

I have tons of stuff at home that I don’t use enough. Not just nail polishes. I will try and shop my stash (of make up, skin care etc) more often and I’ll write about it.

Did you ever shop your stash? What was the last exciting product you “found” in your stash?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

4 thoughts on “Shop my stash: Jessica – Sherbet (NOTD)”

  1. Prečudovit lak :wub: Izbrskano se mi zdi kar dobra zamenjava za “Shop my stash”. V poplavi novih izdelkov že dolgo nisem prebrskala svoje zbirke lakov, bi verjetno bilo zanimivo :wink: Si mogoče sposodim idejo v bližnji prihodnosti :thumb:
    Xoxo, Nyx

  2. Meni se zdi kar primerno ime, ali pa morda ponovno najdeno ;) lak je pa res čudovit, imam občutek, da bi me v živo in na sončni svetlobi še bolj navdušil :)

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