New Depend GelLack polishes + how to easily remove them

One I decided to venture into the world of home LED manicures, I knew just where to start: Alessandro Striplac for “high end” and Depend GelLack (highly recommended from Slovenian bloggers) as drugstore alternative.

So far Depend GelLack has served me really well. Polishes have very good staying power, are easy to use and stick to the nail like there is no tomorrow. And I mean that quite literally.

When you finally find something to easily remove Depend GelLack manicure

My only issue with this line is removing of the manicure. Now that really sucked. I tried pure acetone, even oil + warm water distributor suggested. But my dry and dehydrated nails simply would not budge.

Finally I caved in and bought Depend oil remover. Something that sounded totally wacky to me and I had no expectation form it … at all. You should see my jaw drop to the floor when I saw how well this little baby works. Keep in mind 2 things though: water has to be really warm and by that I mean as warm as you can comfortably stand for 5 minutes. Other thing – 3 thin layers are so easy to remove, that they literally peel off.

Now I can finally promise you more Depend GelLack swatches … without month long delays. :D

For those of you who still have issues – few extra suggestions for quick removing of gel nail polishes:

  • buff nail to higher shine prior to application
  • 3 layers of GelLack gel are easier to remove than 2
  • when removing with acetone, first buff of the outer top layer of manicure, than reach for foil method (click for how to video)

Spring summer 2016 – new Depend GelLack polishes

When I spotted new shades on e-kozmetika, it was easier to eliminate few shades that to name those I liked. :D

Interestingly enough, I do not have favourite from the bunch. I wore all of the shades, loved them and they all passed staying power test. Only dud is Sweet Thing. It simply does not have the coverage I am used to with Depend nail polishes, and you could see bald spots even after 3 thin layers and I am way to lazy to do 4. Shade is pretty though. Probably one of the most complimented ones.

Colour wise Yours Truly was closest to my heart. Shade packed with energy and playfulness. It goes really well with my skin tone which of course helped with shade I wore for more than a week.

Depend My Choice gets the award for best surprise. This coral shade is pure perfection. Elegance with splash of colour that earned the right to be my chosen manicure twice so far.

Passion&Sparkle and Angel Dream are mainly toppers, but can be used as individual manicures as well. Angel Dream with its dense white glitter works better as topper for me though. It made such a lovely combination with Yours Truly, that even I became poetic. Combination reminded me of sunlit sea foam. <3

My next purchase will be definitively Forever&ever. Lights went of in my head as soon as I saw this forest green beauty – buy, buy, buy! :D Which shade is currently stuck in your head and has to be yours?

Depend GelLack nail polish 6,99 EUR
Depend Oil remover 4,50 EUR

Depend GelLack pomlad poletje gel laki
Depend GelLack new for spring summer 2016

Depend GelLack

Depend Gellak G282 Passion and sparkle
Depend Gellack G282 Passion and Sparkle
Depend Gellak G282 (Passion and Sparkle) in G284 (My Choice)
Depend Gellack G282 (Passion and Sparkle) + G284 (My Choice)
Depend Gellak Passion and Sparkle G282 and MY Choice G284
Depend GelLack Passion & Sparkle G282 + My Choice G284
Depend Gellak G286 in G283 (Yours Truly, Angel Dream)
Depend GelLack G286 in G283 (Yours Truly, Angel Dream)
Depend Gellak G285 Sweet Thing swatch
Depend GelLack G285 Sweet Thing swatch
Depend Gellak G285 Sweet Thing swatch (senca)
Depend GelLack G285 Sweet Thing swatch (shade)
Depend Gellak G286 Yours Truly lak
Depend GelLack G286 Yours Truly polish
Depend Gellak G284 My Choice swatch
Depend GelLack G284 My Choice LED nail polish
Depend Gellak G283 Angel Dream swatch
Depend GelLack G283 Angel Dream swatch (white glitter).

* products were sent to me for swatch purposes

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “New Depend GelLack polishes + how to easily remove them”

  1. Mene pa zanima, če je katera preizkusila ta odstranjevalec z drugim gel lakom. Uporabljam china gelaze, pa me zanima, če bi šlo tudi stran s tem odstranjevalcem. Ker ravno to odstranjevanje me res odbija, da bi si delala manikuro doma. Ponavadi grem raje v salon, da mi naredijo, zadnjič pa nisem imela časa in že preveč narastka in sem sama odstranila. Trajalo je 1 uro, pa sem naredila točno tako kot je treba (malo popilila, aceton in v alufolijo). Nič ni hotelo z nohta, tako, da sem na koncu skoraj vse odpilila. Zato bi bilo res fino, če bi tole delovalo. So pa verjetno kakšni salonski laki (CND, Harmony) bolj trdovratni kot pa Depend.

    • Najlažje gre dol Alessandro Striplac, ampak to je ves namen tega sistema. :D
      Orly gel za domačo uporabo se je tudi zelo lepo odstranil po metodi, ki si jo opisala, ostali pa so po moje kar hardcore. Tudi s profi raztopinami ni enostavno, zato sem najraje na Striplacu. Meni se res ne da. *blush*

  2. Uuuu super zgledajo, tale zadnji, nežno, poročno navdahnjen, me je prav posebej pritegnil, pa po navadi nisem nora na take perlaste, ampak je čudovit <3

  3. Jaz sem razočarana z Depend laki. Zdržijo tam 6 dni, potem se začne luščit in moje, drugače trde in zelo lepe nohte, je popolnoma uničilo. Sem odstranjevala z njihovim oljem, ampak ne gre nič dol, povrhnjico imam uničeno. Lak začne odstopat, potem ga seveda odstranim na “suho” in je potem katastrofalno stanje. Sem potem enkrat poskusila z oljem, imela podaljšan čas, zelo vročo vodo in ni opravilo svojega dela.

    • Koliko plasti barvnega laki uporabiš? Pri meni je odstranjevanje veliko boljše, če so 3. Na mojih nohtih sta 2 problematični za odstranit. Enostavno se mi vse skupaj zapeče.

    • Zasilna rešitev je tudi uporaba Striplac Twin Coata od Alessandra, ki je peel off varianta. Ampak se ne razume z vsemi Depend laki + v tem primeru osebno vedno grem na varno varianto in enostavno uporabim Alessandro Striplak.

  4. Joj zdaj pa res rabim vijoličnega in mint. Drugače pa jaz vse gele topim z acetonom iz Eurospina :)

  5. Jaz imam tudi ta Gellack sistem, ampak me ravno to odtranjevanje izjemno odbija. Sem kupila oljni ostranjevalec pa nisem nič prej odstranila. Mogoče sem imela premalo toplo vodo :/. Jaz te lake bolj uporabljam za na morje, ko se mi res ne da vsak dan mazat drugega laka. :) Ampak meni ne zdržijo več kot en teden. Imaš mogoče kak nasvet kako namazati, da bo zdržalo čim dlje? :) Ali je to bolj kot ne odvisno do nohtov…

    • Kar nekaj naših bralk s precej slabimi nohti, je pohvalilo obstojnost do 2 tedna. Jaz že zaradi narastka tega ne morem prakticirati in posledično potrditi ali je tako tudi pri meni. 1 teden zdržijo v praktično nedotaknjenem stanju (njihov base coat, 2-3 tanjše plasti barvnega laka, njihov top coat, Alessandro LED, zalite konice)
      Zagotovo dehidrirani nohti že sami naredijo polovico dela, ker tiste z mastnimi morate s kako fino pilico dodatno pripraviti površino.
      Ko boš imela čas, preizkusi s tremi plastni barvnega laka in res, res toplo vodo (pa mogoče kako minuto več imej roke v vodi kot jaz).
      Z bambus paličico samo pri korenu malo vzdignem in odstranim lak v parih potegih. Me res zanima ali bo delovalo tudi pri tebi.

      • Bom zagotovo preizkusila še enkrat s temi oljnimi kapljicami, ker me res zanime, če je bila samo voda kriva. Jaz sem mogoče prelena, pa nanesem dva sloja laka. Morala bi verjetno res tri tanke barvne. Hvala za nasvet. Bom upoštevala, ko bom naslednjič delala :).


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