Like a clock I get this cozy feeling around my heart around this time of year. It is not possible to forget all the special moments Parokeets ladies went through together. Regular coffee dates to exchange cosmetics, chat about items that fascinated us, giggle over absurd launches and simply enjoying in sharing our love for make up.
This year it is even more special moment – 4th of January 2019 is our 10th anniversary. Lots of thing changed in the past 10 years and only Maja and I are still present in blogosphere. And even we are more at home on Instagram and Youtube than on the blog.

I spent majority of 2018 soul searching what do I want to do in the future. Do I still love makeup enough to invest so much of my free time into spreading awareness? For those of you who don’t know, I run 20.000+ Facebook group for Slovenian cosmetics lovers which is a huge black hole where my free time sinks into. Not to mention my sanity. :P
There are times in life, when you simply have to say ENOUGH. And I reached it. I am usually simply ignoring the disrespect as it normally comes from the people whom I don’t even care about. But the amount of ignorance was staggering lately + dealing with bullshit
all the time, started to have its toll on me.
It is time to reset, forget about everything but my love for makeup/skincare and simply love what I do and do what I love.

Short blog reviews will be back with highlight on the products I love and those that I dislike.
As I love talking and not so much writing, everything else will go onto the YouTube channels. My daughter tells me that my English pronunciation sucks, so maybe I should put more effort into Parokeets channel. :D
I stand for the filterless photos, showing you my wrinkles, rough skin texture, telling it as is (without sugar coat added) and except the fact that majority is not into that aspect of beauty blogging. I am not about the “numbers” but pure love for comparisons and experience swapping with other like minded beaut lovers. On the other hand, if tide turns completely and nobody will be interested in pure reviews anymore, there will be no point for me to continue with blogging.
Just don’t expect to see my facial hair. That is one Achilles heel that will never change. #teambear :D
Instagram? Why not, but as much as the time permits. Gabi Nedic will be in English and Ljubim kozmetiko in Slovenian language. Don’t expect instagramable photos, but I will do my best to share with you interesting findings. :D

And a goodie one for the end … our darling Parokeet, the mascot that always made my day. Anyone still remembers all the adventures Parokeet used to go out and about? :D

You Rock! Congrats for the decision Milestone <3
Thx, Tika! I expect to be on the other side of this debate 10 years from now. :D