Essence week: Colour & Go lineEssence teden: Colour & Go linija

In one of the previous posts, I mentioned that the Essence brand sells two lines of nail polish. I already briefly presented the Multi Dimension line. Today, I’ll present some shades of the Color & Go line. Bottles in this line are small and contain 5ml of product. The local price of the polish is € 1.49.

Color & Go line has two specialities. The first is that the bottle caps are the same or at least similar to the color of the polish in the bottle. This peculiarity is especially useful if you have your nail polish stored in a box or somewhere whereonly top caps can be seen. With such a cap you can just look at the cap and you know which polish is hiding beneath. Photo below shows the similarity between the bottle cap and the actual shade Sexy in Black…

Essence - Sexy In BlackAnother feature is the brush, which is slightly flattened. Flat brushes have recently become very popular. Over the Color & Go brush itself I’m not overly excited because because I had difficulties to do a nice curve along the nail cuticles, as is clear from the above photo.

Essence - brushEssence - Colour&Go brush

Let’s see what shades this line is comprised of…

Party On is a frogs’ green shade (if I may say so) with frost finish. Despite the fact that I love unusual shades, this one didn’t appeal to me at all. Probably because I am not a fan of polishes with frost finishes. In this photo, there are two coats of Party On shade, but it would be better with three coats, since after two coats the tips are still slightly visible.

Essence - Party OnRock It, Baby! is a purple shade with violet and blue shimmer. The color is beautiful. In fact, it is more purple IRL, as in the photo. Unfortunately, I had major problems with the application of this polish, because of its unusually thick consistency, which makes it very difficult to apply. I would normally say that this is just my bottle, but two of my friends had similar problems with this shade and I doubt that it’s a coincidence. Too bad for such a beautiful shade…

Essence - Rock It, Baby!Rock Rebel is a beautiful deep blue shade with blue shimmer. Best thing about this shade is that the blue shimmer is also noticeable in the dimmer lightning. Application has been better than with Rock It, Baby!, but still not perfect. The consistency is thicker, but still manageable. As this is such a beautiful shade and the price is low, I forgive them the imperfect consistency.

Essence - Rock RebelSexy In Black is a black shade with different sized and different shaped gold shimmer. There is not a lot of shimmer in it, but it is enough and large enough to enrich the black base color. With this one I didn’t have application problems.

Essence - Sexy In BlackTo briefly summarize. Line Color & Go contains a number of beautiful shades, but some disappoint on application. Also the brush is not useful for me, but I believe, that for some it is maybe the best brush. The price is very affordable, and therefore we can overlook small flaws. Compared to the Multi Dimension line, I prefer the Multi Dimension one. because of all things mentioned before

Essence week has not been completed yet…

V eni od prejšnjih objav sem omenila, da ima znamka Essence v svoji ponudbi dve liniji lakov za nohte. Linijo Multi Dimension sem vam na kratko že predstavila, danes pa bom predstavila nekaj odtenkov iz linije Colour & Go. Stekleničke v tej liniji so manjše in vsebujejo 5ml proizvoda. Cena teh lakov v drogeriji Müller je 1,49€.

Colour & Go linija ima dve posebnosti oziroma zanimivosti. Prva je ta, da so pokrovčki stekleničk enake ali vsaj podobne barve kot je barva laka v notranjosti. Ta posebnost je uporabna predvsem, če imate lake za nohte shranjene v kakšni škatli ali nekje tako, da se vidijo z vrha samo pokrovčki. Tako lahko samo s pogledom na pokrovček ugotovite, kakšen odtenek se skriva pod njim. Fotografija spodaj prikazuje podobnost med pokrovom stekleničke odtenka Sexy in Black z dejanskim odtenkom…

Essence - Sexy In Black

Druga posebnost je čopič, ki je nekoliko sploščen. Sploščeni čopiči so v zadnjem času postali zelo popularni, saj so za marsikoga enostavnejši za uporabo. Nad Colour & Go čopičem sama nisem pretirano navdušena, saj sem dokaj težko naredila lepo krivino ob rastišču nohta, kar je razvidno tudi iz zgornje fotografije.

Essence - Colour&Go čopičEssence - Colou&Go čopič

Poglejmo, kakšne odtenke linija ponuja…

Party On je žabje zelen odtenek (če se lahko tako izrazim) s “frost” finišem. Kljub temu da imam rada nenavadne odtenke, mi tale ni preveč všeč. Verjetno tudi zato, ker nisem ljubiteljica lakov s “frost” finišem. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa, nikakor pa ne bi bil odveč še tretji nanos, saj so pri dveh nanosih konice nohtov še zmeraj opazne.

Essence - Party On

Rock It, Baby! je vijoličen odtenek z vijoličnim in modrim šimrom. Barva je lepa. V resnici pride bolj vijolična, kot je na fotografiji. Žal pa sem imela velike težave pri nanašanju tega odtenka, saj je konsistenca nenavadno gosta, kar zelo otežuje  enakomeren nanos. Mislila bi si, da je takšna samo moja steklenička, a imata podobno izkušnjo s tem odtenkom tudi dve moji prijateljici, kar pa dvomim, da je naključje. Škoda za tako lep odtenek…

Essence - Rock It, Baby!Rock Rebel je čudovit temno moder odtenek z modrim šimrom. Najlepše pri tem odtenku je, da je moder šimer opazen tudi v slabši osvetlitvi. Nanašanje je bilo lažje kot pri Rock It, Baby!, a ne perfektno. Tudi pri temu je konsistenca nekoliko gostejša, a še obvladljiva. Ker tako lepih modrih odtenkov pri nas ni ravno veliko za dobiti in ker je cena res nizka, mu pomanjkljivost oprostim.

Essence - Rock Rebel

Sexy In Black je črn odtenek z različno velikim in različno oblikovanim zlatim šimrom. Šimra ni veliko, a ga je dovolj in je dovolj velik, da poživi črno osnovo. S tem odtenkom nisem imela nekih večjih problemov pri nanašanju. Edino čopič ni ravno pisan na mojo krivino nohta.

Essence - Sexy In Black

Če na kratko povzamem. Linija Colour & Go vsebuje kar nekaj lepih odtenkov, vendar lahko nekateri razočarajo pri nanašanju. Meni tudi čopič ni preveč uporaben, a verjemem, da je komu drugemu pisan na kožo. Cena je zelo ugodna in zato lahko kakšno pomanjkljivost tudi spregledamo. Če to linijo primerjam z Multi Dimension linijo, mi je slednja ljubša iz že zgoraj omenjenih razlogov.

Essence teden še ni zaključen…

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