Let’s celebrate together – photographsPraznujmo skupaj – fotografije

Seventeen of you decided to join our first birthday party. :w00t: We loved all of your photos and wish to thank all of the participants. :rose:

Now is your turn dear readers – vote for your favorite photo in the poll on the right side of the blog! Every vote counts!

Two photos with majority of the votes will be getting first (most votes) and second prize. This game is sponsored by NATI Studio.

  1. Zoya polishes: Yasmeen, Tart and Veruschka as well as glass nail file.
  2. Zoya polish Roxy and glass nail file.

Zoya polishes

Voting ends on Saturday, 06.02.2010 at 10pm (GMT +2).

Let’s take a look at photographs. :w00t: They’re published in alphabetical order.

01. Anček

02. Biba: Essence Fabuless, S-he 469.

03. Bloo: Essence Under The Mistletoe, T28, red Konad polish, China Glaze Millennium

04. Cutie

05. Darivia

06. Darksome

07. Elchy: Manhattan 710T, Essence Into the ocean – Open Water Dive, Essie g2g.

08. …jagodka: Sweetscents eyeshadows she received in our SS game.

09. Kvacka: China Glaze Let’s Groove, China Glaze Awaken, GCOCL plate.

10. Lyra: Konad special polish in red, yellow and green + m44. MU: Coastal scents-88 ultra shimmer palette, Bella Pierre: Twilight, Discotheque, Forest.

11. Maespiritu

12. MajaTa: Zoya Indigo, Alessandro 257.

13. Mancina

14. Natasska M

15. Parisky

16. Tamara: Essence Obsession, Essence Rock Rebel, Essence nail art stickers.

17. Žabica

Voting can now begin! —>

Najprej bi se rade zahvalile vsem, ki ste se z vašimi fotografijami udeležile naše rojstno-dnevne zabave. Fotografije so prekrasne in čisto vsake smo se zelo razveselile. :w00t:

Zdaj ste na vrsti vi, dragi bralci, bralke, navijači, navijačice, oboževalci, oboževalke… Glasujte v anketi na desni strani bloga za svojo favorizirano fotografijo! Vsak glas šteje!

Nagrajeni bosta dve fotografiji z največ glasovi. Darilna paketka za to igrico prispeva NATI Studio.

Darilna paketka sta sestavljena iz:
1. Zoya barvni laki za nohte v odtenkih: Yasmeen, Tart in Veruschka ter steklena pilica za nohte.
2. Zoya barvni lak v odtenku Roxy in steklena pilica za nohte.

Zoya - NATI Studio

Glasovanje se zaključi v soboto, 06.02.2010 ob 22:00.

Sedaj pa k fotografijam, ki so objavljene v abecednem redu glede na vzdevke! :w00t:

01. Anček

02. Biba: Essence Fabuless, S-he 469.

03. Bloo: Essence Under The Mistletoe, T28, rdeč Konad lak, China Glaze Millennium

04. Cutie

05. Darivia

06. Darksome

07. Elchy: Manhattan 710T, Essence Into the ocean – Open Water Dive, Essie g2g.

08. …jagodka: Sweetscents senčila, ki jih je dobila v okviru SS igrice.

09. Kvacka: China Glaze Let’s Groove, China Glaze Awaken, GCOCL plata.

10. Lyra: na nohtih je Konad special polish v rdeči, rumeni in zeleni barvi + m44. MU: Coastal scents-88 ultra shimmer paletka, Bella Pierre:  Twilight,  Discotheque, Forest.

11. Maespiritu

12. MajaTa: Zoya Indigo, Alessandro 257.

13. Mancina

14. Natasska M

15. Parisky

16. Tamara: Essence Obsession, Essence Rock Rebel, Essence nail art nalepke.

17. Žabica

Naj se glasovanje začne! —>

19 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Let’s celebrate together – photographs<!--:--><!--:sl-->Praznujmo skupaj – fotografije<!--:-->”

  1. Wonderful creativity for all the entries. The nail art is beautiful, I’m partial to the eye makeup of Jagodka, and those beautiful nails by Kvacka go with it so great! :wub:

  2. Wow! Great pictures! I voted for Parisky as I’m an eye make up art fanatic but actually, Maespiritu rocks the whole bunch as her nails are true nail art. So cute! Aynways, dood luck to all contestants!

  3. bloo to pa se ne strinjam =) tvoja je full dobra idejat  to z mini pentljico :D kje si sploh dobila takšno majhno? je full luštna :wub:

  4. Res super fotke :w00t:
    Lyra a veš, da sem ravno tako manikuro naredla kot ti, pa sem si premislila in naredila paketek :blush:
    je pa tvoja 100x boljša kot je bil moj poskus :biggrin: :wink:

  5. Res ste se potrudile punce, to je treba poudariti!
    Moram priznati, da je bila odločitev, kateri dati glas, zelo težka. In tako smo doma skupaj staknili glave, fanta sta povedala svoje mnenje, jaz svoje gledano z drugega zornega kota in glas je bil podeljen.  A kateri?  Ne, tega pa (še) ne povem.
    Nagradi sta zelo mikavni in prepričana sem, da bosta prišli v prave roke.  Navdušena sem nad vašimi idejami! :w00t:


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