Revlon – Purple Petal

Revlon - Purple Petal
I’m so excited about this shade that I can’t find the right words to describe it. Although I am not a huge fan of cream polishes, this is one of the most beautiful pink shades in my collection. It is a wonderful fuchsia color, which is suitable both for the spring as well the summer. Like all the Revlon polishes I own, this one applied wonderfully. There are two coats in the picture above.

All the time I was thinking, what this shade reminds me of. Finally, I remembered the flowers … rhododendrons and azaleas…

Pink Azalea

I can’t wait for spring to come…

The second picture is borrowed from HERE.

Revlon - Purple PetalNad tem odtenkom sem tako navdušena, da sploh ne najdem pravih besed, kako bi ga opisala. Čeprav nisem huda navdušenka krem lakov, je tale eden najlepših roza odtenkov v moji zbirki. Gre za čudovito barvo fuksije, ki je primerna tako za pomlad kot tudi za poletje. Kot vsi laki znamke Revlon, ki jih imam, se je tudi tale nanašal popolnoma brez težav. Na fotografiji sta naneseni dve plasti.

Ves čas sem razmišljala, na kaj me tale odtenek spominja. Končno sem se spomnila… rože… azaleje ali rododendroni…

Pink Azalea

Mmm, komaj čakam pomlad in prebujanje narave…

Drugo fotografijo sem si sposodila TUKAJ.

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