Some corals…Pridih korale…

I have some corals for you today…

NYX – Sorbet is, according to Wikipedia, a true coral shade with a slight pink tint to it. It has tiny green shimmer, which is an interesting combination with a coral base. The shimmer is really discrete, but it adds some depth to the shade. The picture shows two coats.

Rimmel – Sunrise is from the 60 seconds line. It is a true coral shade, which is in comparison to Sorbet more orange-y and less pinky. It has green, blue and silver shimmer. The picture shows two coats.

Gosh – Pink Rose has a stronger pink tint and based on Wikipedia I’d say it falls under Light Coral to Coral Pink. It contains tiny silver shimmer, which is almost invisible. The picture shows two coats.

Catrice – Red Blossom is from the 60 seconds line. It is a creme red with coral tint (Coral Red). This shade is really well pigmented and it applies great. The picture shows one coat.

Sinful Colors – Timbleberry #108 is very similar to the shade pictured above, accept that this one has a bit more pink tint to it. They are really very similar and there is no need to have both. The picture shows two coats.

Essie – Status Symbol is more pink than any shade above, but is a nice pink shade with a coral tint. The picture shows two coats.

Essie – Movers & Shakers is a creme shade, which is very similar to Status Symbol, accept that it has a little less coral tint and is more watery. The picture shows three coats.

I adore coral shades! Esspecially for spring and summer. They are just so vivid and they always make me happy :silly:

Za danes sem pripravila nekaj koralnih odtenkov…

NYX – Sorbet je po barvni karti iz Wikipedije prava korala z rahlim roza pridihom. Vsebuje droben zelen šimer, kar je zelo zanimiva kombinacija s koralno osnovo. Šimer je zelo diskreten, a vseeno da odtenku globino. Na fotografiji sta dna nanosa.

Gosh – Pink Rose ima že močnejši roza pridih in bi jo po Wikipediji uvrstila nekje med Light Coral In Coral Pink. Vsebuje izredno droben srebrn šimer, ki je skoraj neopazen. Verjetno odtenku doda le dodaten lesk. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

Gosh - Pink Rose
Gosh - Pink Rose 2 coats
Gosh - Pink Rose
Gosh - Pink Rose 2 coats
Gosh - Pink Rose
Gosh - Pink Rose senca, 2 coats

Catrice – Red Blossom iz linije 60 seconds je krem rdeče odtenek s koralnim pridihom (Coral Red). Odtenek je izredno dobro pigmentiran in nanaša se zelo lepo. Na fotografiji je le en nanos.

Catrice - Red Blossom
Catrice - Red Blossom sonce, 1 coat
Catrice - Red Blossom
Catrice - Red Blossom senca, 1 coat

Sinful Colors – Timbleberry #108 je zelo podoben zgornjemu Catrice odtenku, le da ima tale morda pikico močnejši roza pridih. Resnično pa sta si zelo podobna in ni nobene potrebe, da posedujete oba. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

Sinful Colors - Timbleberry #108
Sinful Colors - Timbleberry #108 sonce, 2 coats
Sinful Colors - Timbleberry #108
Sinful Colors - Timbleberry #108 senca, 2 coats

Essie – Status Symbol je proti zgoraj opisanih odtenkov zelo roza.  A vseeno gre za zelo lep roza odtenek, ki ima koralen pridih. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

Essie - Status Symbol
Essie - Status Symbol 2 coats

Essie – Movers&Shakers je krem odtenek, ki je zelo podobnem zgornjemu Status Symbol odtenku, le da ima malenkost manj korale v sebi. Ta odtenek je prav tako malo bolj voden in sem potrebovala 3 nanose za dobro prekrivnost.

Essie - Movers & Shakers vs. Status Symbol
Essie - Movers & Shakers vs. Status Symbol comparison

Sama naravnost obožujem koralne odtenek. Sploh za pomlad in za poletje. Tako živahni so in vedno me spravijo v dobro voljo!

8 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Some corals…<!--:--><!--:sl-->Pridih korale…<!--:-->”

  1. Mamy, ravno danes sem ga gledala. Če sem si prav zapomnila, je številka odtenka 208. Nisem ga kupila. Sem si pa rekla, da moram napisati sem, da je zelo lep odtenek. Nimam pa še čisto nobenega laka od MUF.

  2. Krasni so.. Status symbol  je itak trenutno moj najljubsi..  Vsec mi je se tisto od Gosha (ta roznat).

    Prav vsec mi je, ker me vsi pogledajo v roke namesto enx toliko direkt v joske :P.


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