KOTD: p2 Heartbeat + p2 Rebel + B16KOTD: p2 Heartbeat + p2 Rebel + B16

p2 Heartbeat is one of those very wearable dirty light pink shades with a little bit of violet undertone.  Combining my manicure with outfit is very easy when I have this polish on. I presume I’m not the only one out there who chooses another outfit the last minute possible … :biggrin:

I usually choose this shade to go with jeans. :yes:

p2_Heartbeat, bottlep2_Heartbeat, bottleApplication was OK. I used two layers on all the photos – no top coat. Creme finish.

This polish is very photogenic. :whistle:



p2_HeartbeatSince this is quite shy shade, I choose shy konadicure to go over it.

p2 Heartbeat + Konad: p2 Rebel + B16

Dear readers, have a successful week! :wave:

Ni veliko odtenkov v moji zbirki, ki jim posvečam posebno pozornost. Mednje zagotovo sodi p2 Heartbeat. Gre za izredno nosljivo umazano svetlo roza do malenkost vijolično barvo. Z njo je kombiniranje oblačil enostavno. Saj smo najbrž vse na istem, da se za izhod nekajkrat premislimo, kaj bomo oblekle… :biggrin:

Ta odtenek najraje nosim k jeansu.  :yes:

p2_Heartbeat, bottlep2_Heartbeat, bottleLak se zelo lepo nanaša. Na vseh fotografijah sta dva sloja, brez nadlaka, finiš – krem.

Bil je izredno fotogeničen.  :whistle:



p2_HeartbeatKer gre za zelo nežen odtenek, sem izbrala tudi “sramežljivo” konadikuro.

p2 Heartbeat + Konad: p2 Rebel + B16

Uspešen teden vam želim, drage bralke!  :wave:

7 thoughts on “<!--:en-->KOTD: p2 Heartbeat + p2 Rebel + B16<!--:--><!--:sl-->KOTD: p2 Heartbeat + p2 Rebel + B16<!--:-->”

  1. :yes: Love that dusty pink shade.  It’s so pretty I wouldn’t even put anything on it.  That’s why I enjoy everyones nail art.  I can never bear to cover up the pretty polish.


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