Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (št. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11

I think I put this Kiko polish back few times, before finally deciding to buy it. :silly:

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) is one of those colors that walks the fine line between being special or ugly. This cross between mauve and antique rose in the end convinced me that it is still one the pretty and not “something my grandmother would wear” side. :biggrin:

I would say that this purplish-pink muted color is one of the safe shades – something I would reach for when I need understated elegant polish, but still add color to the nails.

Formula is thicker, opacity is good. I used 2 layers + top coat. I like the fact that all the creme Kiko polishes I tried so far are also good for konading, but on the other hand they’re not really fast to dry.

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) swatch by Parokeets
Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317)

I wore Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro nail polish in combination with Golden Rose Graffiti 11. If you watched my p2 Perfect Face Anti-Red Base video, you could see that I layered Graffiti 11 on every second finger. I later added Golden Rose Graffiti 11 to all the “missing” nails. :nails: I’ll have to play more with this crackle. It looks really interesting with all that “rusty” color turning into goldish shimmer.

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11 swatch
Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11

How about you? Would you wear Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro? What kind of occasion would you choose it for?Kar nekajkrat sem vrnila tale Kiko lak nazaj na poličko, preden sem se dokončno odločila, da mora biti moj. :silly:

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) je eden izmed tistih odtenkov, ki se nahajajo na meji med “lep lakec, ki ga moram imeti” in “staromamskim odtenkom”. Gre za mešanico roza in vijola barve, ki pa je precej zamolkla.

Pri meni spada tale barva kombinacija med “varne” barve – nekaj, kar bi uporabila, ko potrebujem nenapadalen eleganten odtenek, ki pa vseeno da kar nekaj barve od sebe.

Formula je precej gosta, prekrivnost dobra. Krem Kiko laki so se do sedaj izkazali kot zelo uporabni za konadiranje, malo manj mi je pa všeč njihovo rahlo počasnejše sušenje.

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) swatch by Parokeets
Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317)

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro lak za nohte sem nosila v kombinaciji z Golden Rose Graffiti 11. Če ste si ogledale moj p2 Perfect Face Anti-Red Base video, potem ste verjetno opazila, da sem Golden Rose Graffiti 11 nanesla le na vsak drug noht. Kasneje sem ga dodala pa še na “manjkajoče” prste. :nails: Se moram pa še večkrat poigrati z Grafitti 11 – prav zanimivo je opazovati dinamiko prehajanja “zarjavele” barve v zlatkast šimer.

Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11 swatch
Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11

Kaj pa ve pravite? Bi nosile Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro? Za kakšne priložnosti se vam zdi primeren?

25 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (no. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11<!--:--><!--:sl-->Kiko Rosa Antico Scuro (št. 317) + Golden Rose Graffiti 11<!--:-->”

  1. Oh my but I love that mauve purplish color nail polish. It looks luscious and hopefully wears well. I find when I put polish on I have to be careful or the next thing you know its chipped. :wub:

  2. Meni je dejansko všeč na tvojih fotkah, ga pa ne bi pogosto nosila, je preveč safe za moj okus. Ampak tudi take rabim. S cracklom je super, dobi tak antičen pridih. :wub:

    • Rosa Antico Scuro je res potrebno dozirati po kapljicah. :biggrin:
      Če ima že tako ime, se spodobi da ga nadgradim z antičnim cracklom. :silly:


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