BH Cosmetics – 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (review, swatches) & SURPRISE!!!BH Cosmetics – 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (opis, ocena) & PRESENEČENJE!!!

BH Cosmetics 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set is as the name suggests a set of ten brushes. There are seven eye make up brushes and three face brushes in the set. The brushes are stored in a zip-up black pouch.

Official description

  • Product Overview:
    A sleek, zip-up black pouch, portable and nifty enough to toss into a purse, encases a deluxe, 10-piece makeup brush set.
  • It includes:
    Powder brush, Blush brush, Foundation brush, Smudge brush, Large eyeshadow brush, Small eyeshadow brush, Eyebrow brush, Lip brush, Pointed Eye Liner Brush, mascara brush
  • Material:
    Hair: (cruelty-free) Goat/Pony/Sable/Raccoon/Taklon
    Ferrule: Gloss black aluminum
    Handle: Birch wood
  • Dimension:
    Brush Length: 8 inches (biggest brush)
    Pouch size: 9″ x 3.5″

How does the set look like?

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)


Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: mascara brush, lip brush, eyebrow brush
  • Mascara brush:
  • It has a very thin handle. It feels fragile. The handle is a bit loosened. Otherwise the brush performs OK. I use it mainly to comb my eyebrows.

  • Lip brush:
  • Nice brush. I like it a lot. It’s rounded, easy to use. It holds its shape well.

  • Eyebrow brush:
  • Good brush for applying color to your eyebrows. The bristles are stiff and a bit harsh but not a problem, because it’s an eyebrow brush.

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: pointed eye liner brush, small eyeshadow brush, large eyeshadow brush, smudge brush
  • Pointed eye liner brush:
  • Very thin eye liner brush. It’s a fine brush for detail work. For lining my eyes with a gel eyeliner I prefer angled brushes, but that’s just a matter of preference. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the pointed eye liner brush by BH Cosmetics. I love it for applying thin line of eyeshadow near my lashes etc.

  • Small eyeshadow brush:
  • A flat eyeshadow brush. It’s a very nice brush for laying down the color on your eyelids. The bristles are soft, but firm. Because it’s a flat brush it’s not appropriate for blending. Although it’s called small eyeshadow brush, it’s not tiny. It’s 0,9cm wide and the bristles are approx. 1,1cm long. I like it a lot!

  • Large eyeshadow brush:
  • A larger flat eyeshadow brush. It’s 1,1cm wide and the bristles are approx. 1,3cm long. It’s practically larger version of the small eyeshadow brush. Very good brush. I like it a lot.

  • Smudge brush:
  • Another very good brush. It has soft bristles and it’s gentle. I like to use this brush for highlighting (under my eyebrows). It’s 1,3cm wide, the bristles are 0,9cm long.

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: foudantion brush, blush brush, powder brush
  • Foundation brush:
  • I love this brush. It applies liquid foundation nicely (no visible brush strokes). The only down side is, that the handle on my foundation brush isn’t glued well, so it is a bit loosened. Otherwise a very good foundation brush.

  • Blush brush:
  • A very nice fluffy blush brush. It’s flattened. The brush applies blush nicely.

  • Powder brush:
  • A bigger fluffy brush. It’s round. The bristles are soft. It’s a very nice powder brush.


A very good beginners set of brushes. There’s a good variety of brushes. The quality of the bristles is very good. Only the big brushes lost a hair or two. Other brushes didn’t shed at all. The brushes feel nice in the hand. The handles of two brushes in my set loosened after a short while, which is not a good thing. I’ll admit, that the brushes are not of superb quality, but as I said before, it’s very good set of makeup brushes to start with. I love that the brushes are in a pouch. Even if I have better quality brushes in my collection I love this set when I’m travelling. The only brush I’m missing in the set is a crease brush and maybe a blending brush. If you add the Essence smokey eyes brush, you have a very nice set of brushes. I purchased the set myself and I would do it again.

If you are interested, how do the brushes perform, you are welcome to watch my tutorial, where I mainly used the brushes from the reviewed set.

That was the review of the brush set. Moving on to the SURPRISE part of this post…

The year 2011 is almost gone. It was a great year for Parokeets. We wrote 397 posts this year and we received over 6565 awesome comments on our posts. You guys are the best!!! Seriously, you are the best possible readers out there! Thank you very much for taking the time to comment! We love comments and sometimes the comments are the one thing that give me the energy to keep writing. A lot of times your comments make my day. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

At this point we would like to give a little bit back to you. We decided that we are going to say special thanks to our most “hard working commenter”. A person who wrote the most comments in the last year. A person who reads our every post and really takes time to write sometimes very long comments (and that’s a good thing :wink: ). She is an awesome person. She also has her own blog, which I love to read. Well …


Ulmiel wrote 311 comments in the last year. She definitely deserves a huge thank you from us and a present!

Ulmiel, as a special thank you we have (thanks to a set of BH Cosmetics 10pcs Deluxe Brush Set ready for you. :happy: Please, send us an email (maestra(at)parokeets(dot)com) for further information.

We wish we could give everyone a gift, but unfortunately we can’t. I want to let you know, that your comments are highly appreciated and not taken for granted.



BH Cosmetics 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set je kot že ime nakazuje set desetih čopičev. Sedem čopičev je namenjenih očem, trije pa so čopiči za obraz. Čopiči so spravljeni v torbici, ki se zapira z zadrgo.

Uradni opis (v angleščini)

  • Product Overview:
    A sleek, zip-up black pouch, portable and nifty enough to toss into a purse, encases a deluxe, 10-piece makeup brush set.
  • It includes:
    Powder brush, Blush brush, Foundation brush, Smudge brush, Large eyeshadow brush, Small eyeshadow brush, Eyebrow brush, Lip brush, Pointed Eye Liner Brush, mascara brush
  • Material:
    Hair: (cruelty-free) Goat/Pony/Sable/Raccoon/Taklon
    Ferrule: Gloss black aluminum
    Handle: Birch wood
  • Dimension:
    Brush Length: 8 inches (biggest brush)
    Pouch size: 9″ x 3.5″

Kako set čopičev izgleda?

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)

Opis in ocena:

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: mascara brush, lip brush, eyebrow brush
  • Krtačka za maskaro:
  • Ima precej tanek ročaj, ki daje občutek, da je zadeva krhka. Na mojem se je ročaj rahlo zrahljal (slabo zlepljen). Drugače je “čopič” oziroma krtačka čisto solidna. Jaz jo uporabljam predvsem za česanje obrvi.

  • Čopič za ustnice:
  • Zaokrožen čopič, ki je enostaven za uporabo in dobro drži svojo obliko. Všeč mi je.

  • Čopič za obrvi:
  • Dober čopič za nanos senčila na obrvi. Ščetine so precej trde in malenkost grobe, kar pa za obrvi sploh ni problem. Za moj okus je malenkost premajhen, a se vseeno dobro obnese.

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: pointed eye liner brush, small eyeshadow brush, large eyeshadow brush, smudge brush
  • Čopič za črtalo za oči:
  • Zelo tanek čopič za nanos črtala za oči. Fin čopič za precizno delo. Za poudarjanje oči z gel linerjem sicer sama preferiram po strani prirezan čopič, vendar je to res stvar osebne preference. Z opisanim čopičem dejansko ni čisto nič narobe. Sama ta čopič uporabljam za natančen nanos senčila ob trepalnicah ipd.

  • Majhen čopič za nanos senčila:
  • Sploščen čopič za nanos senčila. Zelo dober čopič za nanos senčila na veko. Ščetine so mehke, a vseeno čvrste. Čopič je primeren predvsem za nanos senčila, ne obnese se dobro za blendanje. Čeprav se imenuje majhen čopič, ni minimalen. Širok je 0,9cm, ščetine pa so dolge približno 1,1cm.

  • Velik čopič za nanos senčila:
  • Večji sploščen čopič za nanos senčila. Širok je 1,1cm, ščetine pa so dolge približno 1,3cm. Gre pravzaprav za večjo verzijo majhnega čopiča za nanos senčila. Zelo dober čopič, ki mi je zelo všeč.

  • Čopič za zabrisovanje:
  • Še en zelo dober čopič. Ima mehke in nežne ščetine. Čopič rada uporabljam za osvetljevanje pod obrvmi. Širok je 1,3cm, ščetine pa so dolge 0,9cm.

Review: BH Cosmetics - 10 pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (wood color)
Top to bottom: foudantion brush, blush brush, powder brush
  • Čopič za nanos podlage:
  • Obožujem ta čopič. Tekočo podlago nanese lepo (brez vidnih prog od dlak). Edini minus je ročaj. Očitno imajo pri BH Cosmetics težave s kontrolo kvalitete ročajev, saj se je tudi ta ročaj zrahljal. Sicer zelo dober čopič.

  • Čopič za nanos rdečila na lica:
  • Sploščen košat čopič za nanos rdečila na lica. Nanos rdečila je enostaven in enakomeren.

  • Čopič za nanos pudra v prahu/kamnu:
  • Večji košat čopič, ki je okrogel. Ščetine so mehke.


Zelo dober set čopičev za začetnike, saj vsebuje skoraj vse, kar človek rabi, ko se začne spoznavati s čopiči. Kvaliteta ščetin je dobra. Le velika čopiča sta izgubila dlako ali dve. Ostali čopiči se niso čisto nič skubili. Čopiči kar lepo ležijo v roki. Ročaja dveh čopičev sta se zrahljala zelo hitro, kar mi ni všeč. Priznam, da čopiči niso vrhunske kvalitete, a kot sem že napisala, se mi zdijo vseeno precej dobre kvalitete za začetek. Všeč mi je, da so čopiči v torbici. Kljub temu da imam doma tudi čopiče precej boljše kvalitete (ali oblike), mi je opisani set kar prirasel k srcu. Sploh mi je nepogrešljiv na potovanjih, kjer se mi dobro obnese. Edini čopič, ki ga v setu pogrešam, je kakšen čopič za nanos senčila v gubo (in čopič za blendanje). Če setu dodate recimo Essence čopič za smokey eyes, boste imeli kar soliden set čopičev, ki bo verjetno zadostil potrebe marsikaterega začetnika pri ličenju. Svoj set sem kupila sama in ni mi žal.

Če vas zanima, kako se čopiči obnesejo na delu, ste vabljeni k ogledu video vodiča, v katerem sem pretežno uporabila čopiče iz opisanega seta.

To je bil opis in moje mnenje o setu. Premaknimo se k delu prispevka, ki vsebuje PRESENEČENJE …

Leto 2011 je praktično pri kraju. Za blog Parokeets je bilo to zelo prijetno leto. Napisale smo 397 prispevkov. Dobile smo čez 6565 čudovitih komentarjev. Vi vsi ste najboljši!!! Resnično, ste najboljši bralci, ki bi si jih lahko sploh želele! Iz srca najlepša hvala, ker namenite svoj čas, da preberete prispevke in pišete komentarje. Obožujemo vaše komentarje in ne bom skrivala, da so prav vaši komentarji velikokrat tisti, ki mi dajo energijo, da sploh še pišem. Velikokrat mi komentarji polepšajo dan. NAJLEPŠA HVALA!

Na tem mestu bi vam rade dale nekaj malega nazaj. Odločile smo se, da bomo izrekle prav posebno zahvalo osebi, ki je v preteklem letu za tipkovnico “garala najbolj”, osebi, ki nam je namenila največ komentarjev. Osebi, ki prebere vsak naš prispevek in si resnično vzame čas, da včasih napiše kakšen prav dolg komentar (da ne bo pomote, to je dobra stvar :wink: ). Gre za resnično čudovito osebo, ki ima tudi svoj blog, katerega zelo rada preberem. No …


Ulmiel je napisala 311 komentarjev v preteklem letu. Dejansko si zasluži prav posebno zahvalo od nas in še darilo!

Ulmiel, ker si tako pridno mučila svojo tipkovnico, nate čaka en set BH Cosmetics 10pcs Deluxe Brush Set. :happy: Nagrado so prijazno prispevali Prosim pošlji mi email (maestra(at)parokeets(dot)com) za več informacij.

Srčno si želimo, da bi lahko čisto vsakemu dali nagrado, a žal ne gre. Vseeno pa vam želimo povedati, da so vaši komentarji izredno visoko cenjeni in jih niti slučajno ne jemljemo za samoumevno.



21 thoughts on “<!--:en-->BH Cosmetics – 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (review, swatches) & SURPRISE!!!<!--:--><!--:sl-->BH Cosmetics – 10pcs Deluxe Makeup Brush Set (opis, ocena) & PRESENEČENJE!!!<!--:-->”

  1. Ulmiel, še čestitke od mene za številne in res luštne komentarje. :wub:
    Vse, ki nas prebirate in preostalim Parokeetkam voščim srečno Novo leto. Eno tako fejst leto naj bo za vse! :ahug:


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